#i mean ive been here since episode like 20 or something
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X-Men: The Animated Series - Season 1 (1992-1993)
Ok, so I just finished watching Season 1 of the X-Men and honestly, it holds up well. Like, really well. Disturbingly well. The show is really good at portraying the struggles of oppressed groups and the bullshit bigots throw at them. This is very prevalent in the Sentinel storyline, which is the main story arc of the season.
Honestly, I enjoyed it. Like, yeah, there were a few moments that I wasn’t vibing with, as a whole I can confidently say it was good. I am very excited to jump into Season 2.
As usual my live reactions (? I guess. I mean, I write these as I’m watching. What do you call a text version of a reaction?) are below the cut. Gimme like a couple weeks to watch Season 2.
Episode 1 - “Night of the Sentinels - Part 1”
Ok, so as our introduction to the world of the X-Men, I thought that was alright. Honestly thought we’d spend more time with Jubilee to flesh out the world a bit more, but eh, I’m too bothered. Certainly got more outta this 20 minute episode than any of 60s Spider-Man 20 minute episodes, this actually had decent action and a plot. But of course it comes with a level of 90s edge, which isn’t my particular vibe but I don’t hate it. I’d honestly say my biggest gripe with this episode is it was quantity over quality, it introduced pretty much the entire main team, but didn’t really do a lot in terms of characterisation. Not to say that it didn’t do any, every character is very much in character this episode, it just felt a little shallow. I expect this to be remedied by the end of the season.
Characters introduced:
Jubilee / Jubilation Lee
My sheer lack of X-Men is about to come through. I have next to no idea who this is. I’d vaguely heard of her before, but as far as I’m aware she isn’t in the Fox films, so I’m just not familiar. Which is fine, because it allows me to get to know her as the show continues, which is what a show is supposed to do with its characters. Anyway, I think her powers are weirdly vague and not really explained, but you kinda get the jist of them after a bit.
I was not expecting Sentinels right off the bat, but they do create an immediate threatening and domineering presence. So I checked the Marvel wiki and apparently these specific Sentinels are the Mk IV variants, I think that’s what they are in Earth-616, as it seems like they’re something new in this continuity.
Rogue / Anna Marie
So I’m vaguely aware of the Ms. Marvel situation in this show, which leads me to wonder if she has flight and super strength in the comics? Cause she doesn’t in the films, at least I don’t think she does. It’s been awhile since I’ve watched them.
Storm / Ororo Munroe
As Shakespearian as ever, Storm is here. She honestly raises the question for me, are there actual people that talk like her? Like, seriously her dialogue would fit in a Dickens novel.
Gambit / Remy LeBeau
Cyclops / Scott Summers
I have nothing to say about Cyclops. He’s just kinda here. He’s a bit boring. I hope he does something later.
Beast / Henry "Hank" McCoy
Another case of “do people actually talk like this?” Like who the fuck quotes books and shit mid conversation? “Teri, you quote vines on a daily basis.” Touché
So going into this, the only shapeshifter mutant I knew about was Mystique, so finding out about Morph was a surprise. I actually did a bit of digging around them. Found a few things: Originally they were supposed to be another guy, but the show runners didn’t wanna kill off like the only Native American from the comics, so he got swapped out for another guy, called Changeling, but they couldn’t use that name because Beast Boy was using that name at the time, and the show runners didn’t wanna catch heat from DC, so settled on an original character, Morph. Also, it should be noted that apparently in X-Men ‘97 Morph is revealed to be non-binary, which is great and if anyone has a problem with this fact I invite you to go fuck yourself.
Professor Charles Xavier
I don’t really have much to say about Xavier other than he has some weird eyebrows, and I don’t much care for his hover chair. Like, what’s wrong with having a normal wheelchair Charlie? You think you’re better than everyone? Prick. For sake of clarity, this is a joke. I actually have no strong opinions on the chair. That’s a lie, I think it’s an ugly colour.
Jean Grey
She sure does appear in this episode. That is all I can say about Jean Grey. I know fuck-all about this woman.
Wolverine / James "Logan" Howlett
Logan is as aggressive as I expected him to be. So this is fine.
Henry Gyrich
Another guy that I know next to nothing about. I honestly thought he was Trask, and I am apparently wrong, so there you go. He seems like a slimy git.
Episode 2 - “Night of the Sentinels - Part 2”
Oh no, I can’t believe Morph died, who could’ve ever seen this coming.
I didn’t mention in the last episode that the mutants are pretty much a stand-in for every oppressed group in modern society. I never used to fully understand it, until watching this and being part of the LGBT+. It hits very close to home. The idea that your own government hates you, wants you dead for something you have literally no control over. It’s not fun. Seriously, try being trans in the UK, it’s bullshit. Granted I know there are much worse places, but I’m just talking from personal experience. And also, being trans doesn’t give me random powerful abilities, it would be great if it did. Point being, mutants are very on the nose about what they represent in the lens of the real world, you could try to argue this level of social science has no place in a children's show, but I would argue that this is the perfect place to teach children that sometimes are different, and that’s ok.
At bare minimum this kinda plot leads to some truly hateable villains, which would be funny if it weren’t realistic.
Onto the actual contents of the episode, it’s pretty good. Characterisation is pretty much on point, dialogue is aggressively 90s, and the non-mutant characters are mostly despicable.
Characters Introduced:
Bolivar Trask
That ain’t Peter Dinklage, what kinda bullshit you pulling here?!
Episode 3 - “Enter Magneto”
If George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” were a picture book, I still don’t think the guards watching Beast would understand it.
Anyway, hi Erik, nice to see you, glad you could drop in.
Something I noticed is certain scenes with flashing imagery seem extremely slowed down. I presume this was a decision by Disney for the Disney+ version, as modern rules regarding epilepsy are a lot stricter than they were in the 90s.
Not gonna, the anti-mutant protest outside the courtroom and the cunts in the courtroom are so frustratingly realistic. Like, seriously, what the fuck do they think they’re gonna achieve? That if they say “no more mutants” hard enough Hank will lose all his fur? Of course they don’t think that. This show in 3 episodes has done a very, very good job at showing how bigotry works. I know it gets more extreme as the show goes on, but as far as I’m aware, at no point does it become unrealistic. This show came out in ‘92, everything on display is still relevant in 2024. That should horrify you. Or piss you off depending on who you are as a person.
Onto something lighter, can we appreciate Wolverine’s sheer disdain for Sabretooth. It’s great.
Also since when could Xavier transfer information from Cerebro to X-Men on the field? Specifically, how did Storm insta-learn how to shut off nukes? Deus-ex my arsehole.
Character Introductions:
Magneto / Erik Magnus Lehnsherr
Here we finally have Magneto. Genuinely as I’ve got older, I’ve understood his entire deal so much more, and like, yeah, he’s a villain, he’s a prick that can and will kill anyone in his path, but he’s not completely wrong. Again, I do not think he’s in the right, but he is also someone that has been scared by the worst of humanity. His anger is justified, and ultimate goal of mutant freedom is good, but the way he plans to achieve that goal is fucked. I think it’s a really good detail that Erik sounds and looks genuinely hurt when the X-Men go against him, cause he actually believes he is doing the right thing. So, round of applause for a complex villain. Hooray!
Sabretooth / Graydon Creed, Sr.
Diego is my least favourite of the Ice Age herd, I think he’s a bit of a dickhead… Wrong sabretooth, Teri. Graydon Creed is definitely a guy with a very hateable face. All I really know about him is that he’s a cunt that’s involved in Wolverine’s backstory. I’m sure this will be explored further as the series progresses.
Episode 4 - “Deadly Reunions”
So this episode establishes Storm’s claustrophobia and Rogue’s power absorption. Cool.
“...you wish me to wage war on six billion humans?” Oh. 3 decades. All it took was 3 decades to add another two billion to the human population. This has nothing to do with the episode really, it’s just that fact only just sank in with me. I’ve got nothing to add, just bloody hell, these are some scary numbers.
Jesus Christ Xavier, the fuck man? Weaponizing war trauma to beat Magneto? I mean, I get why he did it, but like, nah I ain’t about that.
“Right, and I’m the queen of England.” Honestly, Jubilee would be a much better queen of England than our useless king.
So, how the fuck did Sabretooth actually manage to wound Wolverine? Like, surely his healing factor would just fix him up real quick?
Character Introductions:
Senator Robert Kelly
Finally in the flesh, the king bigot. Motherfucker pretty much says he wants to set up concentration camps for mutants. As if the metaphors couldn’t be anymore on the nose.
Episode 5 - “Captive Hearts”
I do quite like how Storm’s claustrophobia is a recurring problem, it actually adds at least a bit of depth to her character.
Not gonna lie, I’m fond of the Wolverine pining for Jean bullshit.
Is this episodes plot just Callisto getting pissy that Scott won’t fuck her?
Also can we just talk about how creepy Wolverine gets when chasing Callisto, like I’m not here for that. It’s not good.
Anyway Storm and Callisto having a lightsaber duel was pretty cool.
Character Introductions:
The Morlocks
Ok, so yes I’m grouping a lot of characters together here, but honestly I know so little about them I don’t have anything interesting to say. Before watching this I had never even heard of them, with the sole expectation of Leech, because I’m pretty sure he appears in one of the Fox films. Anyway, according to Marvel Wiki, here's all the named Morlocks: Leech, Sunder, Erg, Plague, Masque, Tar Baby, Annalee, Callisto, Tommy, Ape, Scaleface, & Glow Worm.
Episode 6 - “Cold Vengeance”
Oh no, Wolverine threw a tantrum and left, who could have ever seen coming.
Genuine question, how much of Canada is an ice cap?
Is Sabretooth wearing a skintight suit, or is he butt naked?
Can we just talk about the fact that both Storm and Jubilee wear appropriate casual attire, but Gambit’s still in his combat attire.
How did Sabretooth manage to catch and tie up the entire village? Like, surely someone could have escaped? Or more likely, wouldn’t he have just killed them all? Like, he’s a murderous psychopath, I’m surprised he could even be bothered to set bombs.
Ooo, looky the Sentinels are back.
Episode 7 - “Slave Island”
One of the antagonists of this episode is some cunt who calls himself “The Leader”, he’s not the actual Leader (Samuel Sterns), so I ain’t including him in the character introductions.
Why is Gambit weirdly out of character this episode? Like, he's much more of a prick than usual here.
Why is Cable here? How is Cable here? What time travel shenanigans were required for him to be here?
Character Introductions:
Cable / Nathan Summers
But seriously, why is Cable here? Not that I don’t appreciate him being here, I just kinda want an explanation. Especially since the episode seems to indicate that he’s not from the future, but I’m fully aware later seasons will contradict that. Maybe I’m missing something and this’ll be explained later.
That’s a big arse Sentinel.
Cameron Hodge
So, technically this guy first appears in Episode 3 as Beast’s lawyer, but he had no impact on the story and he was being pro-mutant, which is out of character.
Blob / Frederick Dukes | Sunfire / Shiro Yoshida | Feral / Maria Callasantos
These guys have speaking roles in the episode, but I honestly have nothing to say about them.
Cameo Appearances from Mystique, Pyro, Rictor, Avalanche, Thunderbird, Northstar, Aurora, Caliban, & Domino.
Episode 8 - “The Unstoppable Juggernaut”
Not gonna lie, I like how the Fox films actually show there being students at the X-Mansion, cos honestly without them, the place looks abandoned.
I really feel bad for Colossus, guys just doing a job and gets attacked by a group of bigots and then Wolverine & Jubilee. Like, seriously, when he says “What is it with these Americans? They are very strange people.” I’m inclined to agree with the guy (this is ignoring the fact that Logan is Canadian). Then he gets arrested for a robbery he doesn’t commit. Bloody hell, this man can’t catch a break. Thankfully his company in prison was Beast. The man may talk like an academic but at least he’s friendly.
What does Juggernaut need money for? Can’t he just take literally anything he wants? He’s the Juggernaut, who the fuck is stop him?
Anyway, I think he is fucking hilarious. Legitimately the funniest character the show has introduced.
I’m sure Juggernaut vs. Colossus is a fight I’m never gonna see again…
Ok, what we’ve learnt is that if Rogue absorbs Juggernaut’s powers, she breaks. Interesting.
And at the end he just walks away, because of course he does. Not like they can beat him any other way.
Characters Introduced:
Colossus / Piotr Rasputin
Can I just say that I think Colossus is lovely. Like, I think he’s a very good example of what a man should be. Strong, friendly, a little bit dumb. A himbo by true definition. I may be crushing on a fictional character.
Juggernaut / Cain Marko
“Don't you know who I am? I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!”
Episode 9 - “The Cure”
More Cable shenanigans. I’m sure he’s actually from the future this time.
Oh look Logan being a twat and antagonising most of the team, I’m sure that’ll go really well for him.
Damn, Gambit really out here trying to push himself onto Rogue, despite knowing she could kill him just by touch. What a knob.
Everytime Cable asks for Dr. Adler, I’m just reminded of this moment from Dragon Ball Z Abridged.
That is all.
Character Introductions:
Angel / Warren Worthington III
This millionaire in the colour blue is available for pre-order. Call 1800-APOCALYPSE now!
Moira MacTaggert
As far as I’m aware she’s important to the X-Men mythos, but I personally know fuck all about her.
Mystique / Raven Darkhölme
Ah, Mystique, the psychotic bitch with the power to make all trans people jealous. Infuriating.
Pyro / St. John Allerdyce
For some reason, they decided he needed English instead of Australian in this continuity.
Avalanche / Dominikos Petrakis
Ok, so his powers are like, seismic energy right? It just bothers me that a guy named Avalanche doesn’t have ice powers.
Apocalypse / En Sabah Nur
Not gonna lie, I’m kinda surprised to see Apocalypse here. I honestly expected him to be, like, ‘the big bad’ at the end of the series.
Episode 10 - “Come the Apocalypse”
Ok, so lemme get this straight, Warren wants a cure for his mutation because he considers himself a freak, yet the fucker wears a full spandex superhero suit that incorporates his wings. If you hate your wings, why would you own a bright red and white costume? Make yourself more visible? Dumbarse.
“Death, the winged avenger”, 🤓☝��erm ackshually, Apocalypse, Archangel isn’t an Avenger.
And then they all fuck off. Kinda anticlimactic, ngl.
Character Introductions:
Archangel / Warren Worthington III
This millionaire is now available in the colour. To get yours call 1800-HORSEMANofDEATH now! “Didn’t you already include Worthington here?” Yeah, but this time he’s blue… and slightly insane.
Episode 11 - “Days of Future Past - Part 1”
Wow, it really takes no time at all for Bishop to flip teams.
Ok, so what causes Bishop’s amnesia? Was it Nimrod reaching for him? I don't think this is ever explained.
Oh, hi Frank. Good to you see. Going by the wrong name I see.
More questions, why’s Bishop’s time thingamajig not working properly?
I’m sorry, but what the fuck? Bro just drove a bus straight through the X-Mansion XD.
Ok, I like Wolverine’s constant mocking of Bishop. The man deserves it, he’s a bit of a stuck up prick.
… Oh my god. I just made a horrifying realisation.
Silver is just Bishop’s hedgehog-sona.
Gambit finally shows back up and Bishop’s immediate first thought is to shoot the bastard. Don’t worry man, it happens to all of us. I too murder the first frenchman I see when sent on important missions.
Characters Introduced:
Lucas Bishop
“It’s no use!” Bishop is the kinda guy to shoot first, ask questions never.
He is here. I don’t actually have any idea who he is.
This is a really dumb name for something that’s supposed to be threatening.
Episode 12 - “Days of Future past - Part 2”
Jesus, Jubilee, what’s your beef with tattoos? I mean, they’re not really my vibe, but there’s no reason to call Bishop a freak. (We’re just gonna ignore that the guy shot Gambit and Rogue, that ain't important.)
Genuinely, Logan’s been pretty funny these last few episodes.
So, is Magneto not the leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants in this continuity? Interesting.
Again with the protesting? What the fuck do they hope to achieve? Fuck me, bigots are really fucking dumb.
Loving Blob’s Hawaiian shirt, tho.
Speaking of, how does Blob’s powers work? Like, is he just impervious to damage by sheer fat? If so, that is both really gross, but really cool.
“This kid’s crying. Do something” before shoving the child into Jubilee. Honestly, same, Logan. I too don’t wanna deal with crying children.
Mystique is just the queen of gaslighting and manipulation. Especially with Rogue.
I quite like that the whole assassinate Senator Kelly plot was Apocalypse’s plan, keeps him lurking in the background like the big bad he ought to be.
Characters Introduced:
Blob / Frederick Dukes
Technically, Blob made his first appearance in Episode 7, but this is his first appearance of actual significance.
Episode 13 - “The Final Decision”
Oh look, the bigots have resorted to rioting cause they’ve decided a group of people are responsible for shit only a few have done. 😒Where have I seen that before?
Ok, so a few things. One, how the fuck did Mastermold achieve sentience? Two, why is its plot effectively just to create the cybermen from Doctor Who?
Oh, hello Ghost Rider, fancy seeing you here.
“Stop him gently, Storm.” “As gentle as the falling snow.” She then proceeds to almost kill Gyrich by making him crash into a tree. Good job, Storm.
This is the first thing I thought of when the X-Men were debating on if it’s worth saving Senator Kelly with Gambit reluctant to join.
“You're all fools... Heroic fools.” I literally could not agree more Erik. “The brave are always the first to die.” and that is just fucking cold. Not gonna lie, I fucking love Magneto in this show.
Thinking about it, why do the sentinels even bother discussing what they are doing? Like shouldn’t they all be talking to each other through some kinda network? I feel like that would’ve made them more threatening.
“What is that object? It appears to be the ace of spades.” Like, seriously, how are these guys a serious threat?
“Did you think I would let you die alone, Xavier?” Aw, Erik does care.
“Mutants are human. Therefore, humans must be protected from themselves.” Ok, so Mastermold is based. Still an evil prick, but at least it ain’t a bigot.
Ok, so with Scott and Jean’s proposal scene, why does she jump straight to talking about kids? Like, that’s a whole new fucking conversation ma’am.
Oooo, how very Sinister of an ending.
#marvel#marvel comics#marvel xmen#x men the animated series#x men#jubilee#Sentinels#Rogue#gambit#storm#cyclops#beast#xmen morph#professor x#charles xavier#jean grey#wolverine#magneto#morlocks#cable#colossus#juggernaut#mystique#apocalypse#lucas bishop#pyro xmen#avalanche x men#moira mactaggert#archangel xmen#deadpool
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"But I ain't done a f🐈cking thing to you
So, God forbid I'm seen just as an "average human being"
I mean, imagine if antagonists lacked any evil scheme?!
I'm the gap between a tragedy and comedy
Don't come at me,
I'm the main character, and you have to like me!!"
Oh goody goodness I'm either gonna get amazing reviews for this or I'm going to get tourched..but here we go!!
Dev Dimmadome redesign below the cut!!
TW - Mentions of abuse, phsyical injury, paranoia, kidnapping, lobotomies, suicide, drug use
He's just a guy onfhdhd.
So in my canon, like most, he's changed significantly. The start of our events are about 2 years after the events of Episode 20 [given we don't have a season 2, in which case all of my lore will get rumbled]. Dev is 12 [which I know doesn't line up with his age in the pic but shhh it's coming..] and is once again, the most miserable little ginger you've ever seen. Dev is still close friends with Hazel, but his personal life isn't really impeeded on by Hazel because she refuses to "ruin things" again. Behind the egotistical mask he puts on and even the happy mask he puts on for Hazel and the others, he's really really mentally ill. His father, who I personally want to put in his grave, is only getting more insistent on Dev holding up the image of the Dimmadomes. The physical abuse escalated from the usual ear pulling and smacking upside the head to fists being thrown and eventually, Dev's jaw becoming broken and healing incorrectly. You can honestly kind of see it in the show as Dale steps on Dev frequently. It really makes me mad.
Well, in usual fashion, he gets a second shot at fairy god parents and BOOM, here comes my brother @kibby-draws-stuff . Jupiter [his persona] got hella bored and honestly needed something to do as his personal life was collapsing [this will be important later too], so he became a fairy god parent! He was mostly inspired by Cosmo and Wanda, who he knew pretty well over Gatsby's many parties.
Back to the plot...
They meet, duh, and everything is normal up until about a month after Jupiter appears. This is when Jupiter becomes acutely aware of what's been happening between Dale and Dev.
We know from ANW that Dale isn't exactly the best father. He's shown to be neglectful and outright abusive towards Dev :(
SO YEAH. I just turned it up to 11. Dale isn't truly abusive towards Dev up until he's 12, which is the main reason that Jupiter even got even a consideration to be his Fairy God Parent [yk, episode 20.]. Between episode 20 and when Jupiter is given to Dev, Dev has his jaw broken and rehealed in an incorrect way. It makes it super difficult for this kid to eat, as if his tism made that any easier ..I hate you Dale.
like..I'm not violent, and neither is my brother…but we'd k¡ll this man so fast it'd get us a medal.
^ it also lead to minor hearing loss. A jostle to the jaw often does it.
Jupiter notices only the small things at first - bruises on his arms, the way that Dev flinches when Jupiter raises his wand to grant wishes, the way that the AU-pairs are even afraid of Dale. It all starts to add up to Jupiter and he sorta brings it to his dads' attention, along with Mary Jane's [my Sona]. Yancy is ofc like "uh yeah we gotta break that kid out," but Host weighs in and they decide to go to Mr Jay Clef-Gatsby-Caraway
(this was the point that all my old writing was deleted, and I had a huge effing meltdown...that was at 8:45. It happened again at 10:05 :3. send help.)
I have a little side thing to tell yall...Ive been leading up to this plot point since I began writing this story (At least with the huge event that climaxes my story). It's called The Labyrinth and its been the idea Lily, Celine and Daisy have been going crazy for in my story..along with Harper, who is one of Gale's characters....I hate him. To put it all simply, its a huge maze that changes its environment every 2 minutes. The catch? The environment is individual for the pairs, and no one sees the same thing if theyre in a different pair. They can all also hear eachother, but no matter how long they follow the voice they wont find the poeple. You can also fall into [well, what they assume] are memories of themselves or the other person in their pair. Jay is actively dealing with Daisy at this point before the labyrinth.
Thats over but ive got one more thing.
Dev is never not being surveyed by Dale when he lived in Dimmadephia. Dale covered every inch he could in security cameras, and made sure there was always and O-Pair nearby. Dev did, however, take his AU-pairs apart and removed the surveillance components. He also gave them full sentience (hence for the o-pair commenting during founders day about Dale's stupid decision.) and renamed them..because f⭐ck Dale Dimmadome.
^ his robots. he loves his babies
So this posed an issue for Jay, as Dale and the GCG mafia have a rivalry. Basically, Dale wont respect the guidelines Otto Onceler had in place and that puts them at war. Jay had to choose someone smart enough but unrecognizable enough to go undetected by Dale's cameras. It took a literal week, but they landed on SJ - aka Studio Jim!
Things level out for Dev as hes moved to the cabin with The Host, Yancy and Willard. Dev and Jupiter share a large shed together when they live there, just outside of the cabin. Dale was being paid to shut up to the press by Jay, atleast until the custody battle. Then those events from earlier began happening, it starts with The Host and Yancy being taken by the feds :(. The Host had a botched lobotomy, leaving him in locked in syndrome, because the government deemed him undesirable. Yancy was re-arrested and charged with escaping prison along with other things. Willard flees the cabin, fearing for Jupiter and Dev's safety. Dev was witness to most of the things above, he was one of the many forced to watch The Host's lobotomy. He was also witness to Willard's psychotic break when Willard was taking care of Dev and Jupiter alone; along with the suicide attempt that followed :((. But he did have happy moments, like this 13th birthday and his first GCG mafia Christmas.
Obviously, we all know Dev and how he is with new people. He would obviously be cold and rude towards SJ when he has SJ as a babysitter, but SJ is too whimsy to truly notice. Soon enough, SJ starts to realize why he really needed to be fast, and eventually got Dev to open up. This was only after SJ destroyed the security cameras in the eniterty of the mansion
SJ and the rest of the Jims all have reality bending, either at birth or triggered by the Labyrinth. Dev has the same ability, but it was practically beaten out of him by Dale [because Dale is avidly against reality benders- he made sure none survived in Dimmadelphia]. Anyways, yeah. With the help of Jupiter and the AU-pairs, they call in the flight platoon. Damien is pretty skilled when it comes to combatting AI, so thats why his platoon was called in. It was swift and efficient, Jupiter, SJ and Dev inside the wormhole and gone before Dale even got home. Damien stayed behind to taunt Dale 💀
Dev began school during this time, and leaned into the more impulsive side of himself. He had a poor choice of friends, as they were condescending and only around Dev for his money. Dev's mental health took a dive. Dale was given partial custody of Dev, and the weekends were pure hell for him. Dale pressed on Dev even harder now as Dale's flaws were being recognized by the people of Dimmadelphia.
the labyrinth doesnt make it any better
Halfway through Dev's 8th grade year, the labyrinth occurs. He is paired with Mary and Jupiter, the trio somehow being so whimsy despite the circumstances. That is until Harper rears his ugly head and starts hunting people for sport. Harper corner's them, leading Dev's reality bending to remanifest along with those orange cat ears n tail hes got. Even though Dev tried, he was overpowered by Harper, leading to Mary, Dev and Jupiter dying together :(. Its okay though, because their actions were making paradoxes in time. Everyone in the labyrinth had to die for Unus and Annus to fix the issues.
Following the labyrinth, Dev is working through a lot. Hazel and His's relationship crumbles with the mental strain of Dev trying to handle the trauma along with his shitty dad. Jupiter works so hard to make things easier for Dev, and he does a wonderful job. But the fact that Dale is around Dev at all makes all attempts fleeting. Dev develops anorexia in the 9th grade and chooses to start filling the void with vaping and even smoking before he could get his hands on vapes. Dev also began to self-harm pretty often. I assure you though, good times r coming!!!
Dev meets Matsuko in the 10th grade and the two instantly click. Hazel and Dev had fallen out completely, Hazel making a not so good choice :(. So Dev was completely alone until he met Matsuko. The two are inseparable, even when Dev is with his Dad. It helps Dev feel better, at least when it comes to his paranoia of being watched. Jupiter becomes acutely aware of Dev's crush on Matsuko, but doesnt make as big deal of it...unlike Yancy and Willard; who tease him profusely. Matsuko is Alto Clef's adopted daughter, so Dale really doesnt approve of it all. It kind of makes it better for Dev.
oooo man i really hope this works this time. end time is 12:08 AM 😭. I hope yall enjoyed!! Repost if you likey!!!
#silly#augh#clef-gatsby-carraway mafia au#im so tired#dev fairly oddparents#dev dimmadome#fop dev#dev fop#tw abuse#tw death#tw drugs#tw vape#tw an0rexia#tw paranoia#tw eating issues#Spotify
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im really hoping they do seanmaitee and not naysean for this, bc otherwise ill probably scream and riot. i love winnysatang with all my being, but their characters in this show shouldn’t be a couple in my opinion (if you ship them i have absolutely no problem with that). from memory (and i binged simm not too long ago so i think my memory is reliable), they’re literally only in the same room together once, and they dont even interact at all. SEANMAITEE, ON THE OTHER HAND, were SO CLEARLY being built towards in the show (the way maithee would hit on so many people, and sean would constantly stop him, but then when sean watched someone else hit on daonuea but didnt stop him, and the way sean always has a protective arm around maithee, and gejrdhfbghr i could talk about them forever honestly), and then the COWARDS freaking DIDNT MAKE THEM OFFICIALLY CANON???? im so salty about this and need confirmation and i will be Angry™️ if they do naysean instead of seanmaitee
anyway, time for the actual commentary to begin (that was a really long introduction, damn) (future egg here to tell you: it gets worse. the commentary is really long on this one. it’s mostly keysmashes about seanmaithee. good luck.)
im actually stressed out why am i stressed out
im genuinely scared for what’s gonna happen
what if they do naysean
theyd better not do naysean, PLEASE
(im literally 20 seconds in, why cant i just watch stuff without needing to spam my thoughts)
“i still love daonuea, i love daonuea, and i love daonuea” ITS SO FREAKING SWEET WHAT THE HELL
this has definitely been said before by like everyone, but something i love about this series in particular is how kluen was terrible at showing his emotions and feelings and inner thoughts, he was this blank slate going around and showing nothing. but then, as the series progresses, he tries harder to show nuea that he likes him. but my boy doesnt have it figured out yet, and there’s communication errors and it seems like he’s pushing himself on nuea and it seems like an unhealthy/toxic relationship, but it’s not, he’s just autistic and doesnt know how to communicate his emotions and he’s trying for the first time and doing it wrong but he’s trying. and then it gets to the last episode (or two? i cant remember) and theyre so happy and fluffy and good vibes and its because he’s finally figured it out, he just has to say ‘i love you i love you i love you’ and even pronounce it to the world ‘I LOVE DAONUEA’ so that everyone knows and so that nuea knows and so that they can both finally understand and be happy and ghrbghrb they make me happy
that was so incoherent but you probably get the gist of what i mean
okay im gonna stop ranting now, im still only a minute into the episode lmao
sorry this post is supposed to be about simm, ill try to keep the eclipse keysmashes to a minimum
im much more excited about puentalay than i was last week since i rewatched vvs a few days ago
sorry i should stop freaking out about the shows that are coming and start freaking out about NUEAKLUEN THEYRE BACK HELLO MY BOYS
kluen why are you slightly late
he’s gonna profess his love for nuea in front of all the freshmen isnt he
i know he’s gonna do it
“that’s the hottest senior from the faculty of dentistry” yup. absolutely. he’s gonna profess his love in front of all the freshmen
if he doesnt profess his love in front of all the freshmen, then im a bar-ba-loot from the lorax
im shaking my head in a supposedly disappointed way rn but im actually smiling bc i love him
he’s so pretty and in love with his pretty boyfriend and their love is pretty
omg he did like a little sway and nudged maithee a little bit with his shoulder ghjerbgdh
by the way im gonna switch between spelling it maitee and maithee cos idk which one is right so im playing both sides, so you’re just gonna have to deal with that
(there’s a high likelihood that no one’s noticed the spelling alternations and now that ive pointed it out everyone’s gonna be hyperaware of it, but its fine)
he knows what he just did
“i just wanted to make it clear from the start in case some freshmen hit on you” i love him
also i was about to say that kluen is supposedly the hottest senior, so shouldnt he be more worried about himself getting hit on, but then i remembered that in this universe dao is the sun and everyone else is the solar system revolving around him, so of course the freshmen would try to hit on him lmao
except for sean.
sean’s a moon revolving around maitee
“but after meeting you again, i knew i must start loving you. there’s no way i will let go of you again” THIS MAN IS GONNA MAKE ME FREAKING CRY WHAT THE HELL THAT’S SO FREAKING SWEET
“you’re shy, so you’re walking away, darling” dARLING-- IM DYING
fun fact, i was watching vice versa with italian subtitles and at one point one of them called the other ‘darling’, which is ‘tesorino’ in italian, and i knew that the suffix -ino means ‘little’, so i looked up what ‘tesoro’ means and it’s ‘treasure’, whcih means if you’re calling someone darling in italian youre calling them ‘little treasure’ and i just think that’s so sweet 🥺����
or am i clowning
i was expecting just crumbs but pLEASE TELL ME THEYRE GIVING US A FULL SCENE
honestly just let pawin’s characters be happy and gay
also i find it funny that the order theyre going in is the first three are all of pawin’s in a row
(and in all of them he’s gonna get a happy and gay side character plot line??? please????????)
gosh darnnit nuea is in the scene now
perhaps there will be something later in the episode? maybe in tonight’s episode??
let me dream, okay
ya know who else ignores everyone and focuses only on the person he loves intently? sean
maithee why is your voice so croaky
is that just pawin putting on a particular voice for the character
or was pawin sick
or is maithee sick
if its one of the last two, i hope he’s okay (be it the character or the actor)
so... the croaky voice was intentional?
sidenote, satang is so freaking pretty. why. who decided that.
it’s the fate of The Captain
just ask tiw, he knows how it feels
or wat, also ask wat
or aoi and jack
or- sorry ill stop lmao
kluen arent you a dentist. why are you sitting at nursing.
idk how dentist school works
did he have to go through nursing stuff to get to dentisting?
im an arts and literature kid, idk what im talking about
this is a rare phenomenon, folks
hello straights / straight presenting potential future couple
omg its literally been nearly an hour since i started watching and im still only 8 minutes into the episode
there could be anything, really
in my mind, every single character in ever single piece of media is pansexual until proven otherwise
bro you’re leaning into each other so much, JUST KISS
also i sense that sean’s about to become the unwilling captain of yet another ship (but he secretly loves it)
lmao theyre not sponsored by the anime sparkling water, it’s just normal water, the little plebs
soundwin were sponsored by the anime sparling water
and then tiwpor were
but soundwin did it first
soundwin always did it first
anyway, it’s seanmaithee time not soundwin time
there was a slight scene change and i thought that meant that maybe we wouldnt see much of them for a while, but nOPE, THEYRE EVERYWHERE
i wouldnt be surprised if they were behind me right now
hello seanmaitee, how are you today
(i wish)
lmao they even blurred the water bottles in post just so that everyone knows that THIS ISNT A SPONSOR
“you two see that kluen and i are in love, but let me tell you that-” THAT YOU TWO ARE ALSO IN LOVE???? “we actually love each other much more than what you see” DANG IT I WAS WRONG
im right tho. seanmaithee are in love.
im sorry what the hell does that mean
omg maybe its because he knows how to make people jealous because he knows that he’s always made sean jealous and he knows that now because theyve already confessed to each other and theyre already dating???????
im definitely clowning but shut up i dont care
whoop, helmet putting on time
(guess what, soundwin did that first too-)
i smell a sponsorship in this motorbike thingy
this makes me so happy
why does this make me so happy
he knwos him so well and knows he loves art and stuff
so he wants to take him to buy watercolour
i love them
i love them so much
theyre so sweet
sorry im tryna take the commentary down a notch because this is long enough already lmao
omg i just remembered i forgot to watch the mv for the ost for this
i was gonna do it like four times yesterday but i kept getting distracted and forgetting
dang it
is it just bc i love ice tea? that could very well be it
lmao nueakluen stirring things up just to make seanmaitee confused this is so funny
im loving this storyline
we’ve barely seen it play out yet but i want typhoon to be happy and this is so nice
lmao what girls
seanmaithee are in love with each other, bro
aweeee little accidental kiss
and he asked in ENGLISH
its always so offputting whenever they speak english for like one sentence bc im never expecting it
i love it
but also i hate it
why are you speaking english
stop speaking this rubbish language
it sucks
a lot
its the worst language
keep speaking thai, please
“you only kissed one cheek so i only open one eye” hes so silly (affectionate) i love him
EGWSVFHGSGV “will you eat breakfast first or eat me first” bro
shes so pretty
“if this thing makes them break up, let’s get ordained, shall we?” the way this is worded it sounds like some kind of marriage proposal
“i told you i already have a date with a girl” NOOOOOOOOO
noooooo, maithee had a date with a girl, and the only other person other than their group that’s going on the trip thing is nay, and theyre definitely gonna do a naysean thing, gosh freaking darnnit
unless they dont
unless maitee only had the date so that he could try and get over his feelings for sean bc hes convinced himself sean doesnt reciprocate, but my hopes are not high
theyre so freaking in love i love them so much
LITTLE KISSE i love when they little kisse
damn its over now
pls i just want pawin’s characters to be happy and gay in every single os2 episode that he’s in
and because seanmaithee hAVE to be together
welp i take too long to watch things and now the next episode comes out in a little under 2 hours, and i started watching this about two hours ago so thats fun
#quodekash watches our skyy 2 despite desperately needing to sleep#quodekash annoys everyone about star in my mind (im so sorry)#star in my mind#star & sky#khabkluen#daonuea#nueakluen#kluennuea#kluendao#seanmaitee#seanmaithee#joongdunk#joong archen#dunk natachai#typhoonmin#mintyphoon#pepper phanuroj#pawin kulkaranyawich#satang kittiphop
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Legendlark Episode 148 Commentary/Live Blog (Timestamped)
13/2/2025 16:33--cursed tv :( looked up baywatch since I have never interacted with it, sorry for europe time stamps but I don't want to specify P.M, I have my own D&D soon so I'll pause soon. Riptides?????? Yeah they're not real Noel is right. Can't believe Juniper would bring up his shark marriage knowing Errol was right in the room with them. Congrats on Juniper for getting stuck in a riptide, I'm proud of you. riptides do happen. i'm curious about the air riptide........ are you fr???? but yeah I'm really glad they don't exist. wow we're very focused today
16:41--"rest" yeah haha. i'm scared and worried. I'm also convinced Errol's dice are weighted against them because oh my. good luck in the battle!! initiative yay good job noel! did you hear what i just said. a 6 right off the bat is crazy considering slake probably has a bonus. what is a gentleman's 20 PLUS 10??? oh fran my poor poor child. please make armor or something. ive had enough of these lairs. ah. beasts oh great incredible lovely. oh fran. fran fran fran. you could've waited queen. well i mean idk. yay thanks kai.
16:47--great at least kai will be the one to kill slake and not fran. sorry i got distracted by mizuki akiyama what outfit of hers should i make. ok ok corbin won't kill slake either!! so proud of them. oh blind her hell yeah!! spiritual weapon maerie peak! i have 10 minutes. i hope we have pizza for dinner tonight. zamn slake!!!! OH NO KING im so scared for my boy........ kat if you kill him your atoms will be compressed. ok corbin pop of unimpressed king!! eat up!! oh shush kai. no fran don't cry!!!!!! crit, peak???? i've had enough of you kai no no no. why is she like a video game boss. hm. idea. yeah they're healed. oh thats pretty though!! oh ok. great. remove curse??? who learns that smh. probably maerie. ohkay... parry? im so smart i predicted that wow. actually kai does 1 damage so slake heals 9 points??? don't fall oh great you fell. 44?????? that wouldve been 54 damage?????? corbin no....... don't die OMG HE GOT RIPTIDED is that an intro reference. slake is almost dead already?????? bro. congrats to noel for making fran get to be sad. evangelion congratulations image. FLAMES???? crown of stars description aesthetic?? i fear you will be on pinterest
16:58-- i must go to play my own dnd. i shall return
20:13-- ok i left and now i'm back and i listened to a little bit heres what i remember: johnbo (or howsever it's spelled) came back and i cried and my dad was like you ok and i was like no
20:15-- yeah i rewinded about 30 seconds, still sad and upsetting, stop making me feel feelings, apologize. fran has rizz as the kids say. not enough! free my girl.... what is queen going to do. i'm hungry RAH i just had dinner. ok sit down queen ZAMN WHAT!!!!!!! ok!!!! pop off!!!!!! if fran dies i tweak. corbin you are right. ooh boy. the feels the feels. someday this will be an inside joke but for now it hurts me ooh it hurts me badly. summon your crows king! i am scared and fearful. alright, lift kai!!! slay!! she'll be lifted!!!!! please crows, please. yay she is pulled!! maerie! yay! 4th level heals, very good. i'm so scared and fearful about fran. i don't know the full details of delayed blast fireball but my assumption is its like a charged attack. kai start looking worse!! oh no she's probably gonna like be reborn or have a sacrifice thing. no shes not. shes not hit hard. IS TELIAH THERE???? battle of the crows heart broken emoji. dang kat ur crows suck and are bad. never mind, jinxed it. OH THANK GOD. I am enraged as well you scared the hay out of me. yeah get her ass. so many birds oh my. nine of them. kai fails!!!!!! thats most important all of the crows are dead bro 💔 fallen birds... theyre so done this is lowk badass.... BLIGHT! ok half damage kai. explode!!!! explode her. explode her. explode her. the one crow remaining...... fran is free!!! oh no not maerie.... oh phew. all of you have hurt me deeply i hope you know. ive had enough of this. THE FAGE???? they're all so peeved bro.... maerie is the only one who's not like crazy rn ... poor slake. stab. none. none idea with left stab. hmm i wish they had a bit more second wind. sigh. kill her ass slake!!!! no shes not. shes not on her feet. oh, chunks..... great slake is still alive and standing. 36????? oh terrifying horrifying. NO no no. no, no no no. slake. i think that may have been the only time anybody has fainted in this party since the beginning of arc 2 with the bullette bro. YES!!!!!!!!! Yes! Yes. Yes. Yes. oh no. Noel you hurt me with your descriptions. you pain me. argh.................... yeargh.... no no no i am going to explode.... river of stars with the river bank and shes forever stuck with the river of stars just like how when she saved torva at the river bank she was like stuck with the thought of him kai and rivers im gonna explode.
20:44-- maerie why scream, no....... ough ahgh.... please maerie you're so cool queen i need to draw her tomorrow when i'm not tired. best not be the forces. oh maybe demons. nope. a thing. oh he's here. great. oh. ok i guess its fair enough. hey they havent even got to the forces yet. oh what if falen is in danger. oh no. no, no no. peak episode tbh, you guys ate boots the house down. i don't know how live blogging works, thanks for reading ts. i don't like posting 1 million things at a time.
my first afterthought was about when fran did the thing and i thought oh that's gore..... that's gore of my comfort character. lark house. you could say they're half of a house instead of two of them = a house.
final thoughts! im gonna cry. thanks guys love ya.
#legendlark#liveblogging#what am i doing#media commentary#podcast#actual play#actual play dnd#dnd podcast#please check them out#legendlark podcast
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Kpop daebak is getting so big....I'm so proud😭
#i mean ive been here since episode like 20 or something#them getting nct on the show is such a big deal like omg#kpop daebak#eric nam#nct dream#nct
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Winter 2022 Anime Opinions
As always my thoughts because no one asked
From least to fav here are my overall thoughts:
Urusei Yatsura (2022)
I am just not the target audience for this. This is probably a nostalgia ridden show that people who watched the original will love and enjoy but I am not that person and with the two eps I watched I had enough. The jokes were not funny to me all characters were annoying and yeah the animation is nice but I will not put myself through something I will not enjoy for it tbh. Watch it if you liked the original ig
Tonikaku Kawaii: SeifukU
I dislike tonikaku with a passion it gives go girl give us nothing to the negative 20 no flavor no taste still the same shiz as the show so yeah. Watch it if you liked the series lmao its more of the same
Shinobi no Ittoki
I guess…… Its really kinda bland and I can’t pinpoint why. The concept is interesting but it just doesn’t hold up in its execution and I dont care for it run sorry do better I guess
Fumetsu no Anata e 2nd Season
I try so hard to care, SO hard. Since season 1 I have found this show to be kinda…. All over. Like the only storyline I cared about was the one with the kid with the mask last season and since that its just been meh to me. Like, we already kinda know how everything is going to go and all the arcs are kinda the same, they show us someone, we care for them for like half an episode, they die, repeat.
Bocchi the Rock!
I TRIES SO HARD TO CARE TOO I AM SO SORRY. This has been like the number 1 show this year but I… I dont know I just dont like it ASDFGHJ I am not a big fan of cute girls doing nothing specially mixed with the uwu social anxiety quirky. Like they dont paint it in a bad light like most shows do and the art style is very unique but I just dont… Give a shit adfgdhjf I tried I promise but hey if you are into this shows probs the one for you.
This one is boring I am ngl. Its not bad but like… Its not good either. Ive seen this trope done SO many times its just boring. It hasn’t done anything bad per se but I just dont really care for it much. I like my romance with spicier ships so yeah I mean if you like cute royal same old same old couples then watch it.
Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman.
Do you like boobs????? Do you like boobs ON your screen for 23 minutes??????? Then you will for sure enjoy this one fellas! ASDFGHJ I… I am not the biggest fan of ecchi so this is a lot for me but hey if you like this fan service trash then you go bestie. Character design is cute I dont care for any characters as of the moment so yeah I guess its something
Chainsaw Man
This is the one that gets me cancelled ASDFGH. I am not going to say much other than I've never been a fan of chainsaw man since the manga and you can write me all the essays y'all want but I just.... Dont care sorry lol ADFSJAK Its just not for me; I am not saying its bad per se, I am just not the person that enjoys this type of shows. Akiangel as the only thing that matters of chainsaw man fr fr
Aru Asa Dummy Head Mic ni Natteita Ore-kun no Jinsei
This is trash but it goes higher just because Its what it is and delivers just what I expected. The reincarnated person is annoying as fuck but the girls have cute dynamics so that's why it goes higher. Its just 3 minutes skits of the girls being cute so yeah its okay
Koukyuu no Karasu
I feel like this is a good show but I am just not the target for this adsfgh its a show you gotta pay attention to understand and a lot of history goes behind it and it just kinda bored me but I know its not bad. I just dont think its for me but that's okay I might keep watching it.
Eternal Boys
Its okay. Its a nice concept and I have only watched like 3 eps but its a nice message I guess. Its short and whatever so it doesn't take much time to watch but its not something revolutionary. I like idol shows so maybe I am giving it more than what it is.
Mob Psycho
This is the one that gets me cancelled part 2 SKSKSK. I am not going to lie besties, I am not the biggest mob psyhco fan. Its okay, I just never got into the hyper around it sorry :(( I really wish I could because I know its a good story and I ddi like that last episode a lot but like,,,,, I feel like the story was over last season ASDFGH But hey I am glad y'all enjoyed it a lot!
Boku no Hero Academia 6th Season
I am ngl, I am like on ep 2 of bnha season 6 but have seen the Dabi scene like 20 times thanks to social media and I got no choice but to Stan. I dont like this arc of bnha as y'all know but it seems more interesting than last season and I like the way the animation direction is going so I will give them points for it.
Do It Yourself!!
Lesbians your honor!!!! I like this one! Its cute girls doing silly lil stuff and I am not a big fan of the genre like I said but this one is more entertaining for me, maybe because I am more into DIY shit but its cute!! Nothing big happens tbh but its a soft watch to put in the background if y'all enjoy this
Romantic Killer
This was cute! A refreshing romcom from the ones weve gotten recently tbh. I liked it even though I have a different interpretation of the road they took it in the end but it was a fun show to watch with some nice gags and cute characters, defo give it a go!
Renai Flops
Okay hear me out. This one is in a weird place but hear me out. I hate everything this anime stands for because it was such a cliche weird and ecchi but it was such an interesting train wreck I HAD to keep on watching every episode and when I least expected it I was suddenly on ep 6 and the twist left me screAmiNG. It kinda goes downhill again after ep 7 but just because it took me so off guard (dont wanna spoil it but aloO) it goes high up, gg 1 for the ecchi trash 0 for Maria this round.
Yowamushi Pedal: Limit Break
Ngl this season of yowapeda hasn't been as hyped as I hoped for me but I care so much about the characters I will place it high up SKSKSKSK its basically more of the same; I honestly miss the upperclassman a lot but its okay my babies appear like for .2 frames and I start sobbing
Akuyaku Reijou nano de Last Boss wo Kattemimashita
okaY is this trash??? yes. Do I care??? nO. I LOVE MY SILLY LIL TROPES OKAY ITS FUNNY AND SILLY AND DUMB AND THEY ARE CUTE SO IT GOES UP OKAY I LIKE HAMEFURA WHAT DO YALL EXPECT FROM ME. still kinda trash but like, guilty pleasure trash.
4-nin wa Sorezore Uso wo Tsuku
THIS IS HOW YOU DO CUTE GIRLS (AND TSUKASA LY BESTIE) DOING CUTE STUFF IN A GOOD WAY. If you like Saiki K you'll like this show. I dont know how to explain it but it gives the energy from Saiki K and I loved it they are very important and relevant.
Spy x Family Part 2
Its more of the same of part 1 y'all know spy x family its a good show I love them all I love when my families are found go stream it look at Bond and Anya being best family
Tiger & Bunny
The gays are back for more and better! Not my favorite season buT I still care about them all so much that I dont care SKSKSK go stream tiger & bunny I dont have much more to say
Cool Doji Danshi
Do you love dumb people??? Me too! then this anime is for you ! Its silly short and goes to the point. It doesnt try to be something its not and I like my anime silly and dumb. If you are looking for something easy and silly watch this.
Blue Lock
Guys guys my favorite comfort soccer players are finally animated!!! Watch it. If y'all follow me y'all know I am annoying about blue lock. Its the only anime that has Bachira AND Reo imagine the odds!!! Its a great sports anime and the characters are great and I love it and its my comfort okay
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun 3rd Season
Lets all pretend for a second we are all surprised M!ik is number one woah Maria that is so weird your favorite manga animated as number one????? did not expect it that's wild. Anyways M!ik supremacy today tomorrow its the Lied arc and Iruma and that one episode were Iruma cries made me emo and I love it and I think you should all be super cool and interesting and go watch m!ik it would make us all a better society.
#hey I made it!!! speed ran the first 2 eps of at least each show to do this before 2023 please bare with me#kind of a weak season I am ngl fellas I found almost everything to be mid#anime#anime opinions#anime recommendation#m!ik#blue lock#Cool Doji Danshi#Tiger & Bunny#spy x family#4-nin wa Sorezore Uso wo Tsuku#Akuyaku Reijou nano de Last Boss wo Kattemimashita#yowapeda#Renai Flops#Romantic Killer#Do It Yourself!!#bnha#Mob Psycho#Eternal Boys#Koukyuu no Karasu#chainsawman#Fuufu Ijou Koibito Miman.#Aru Asa Dummy Head Mic ni Natteita Ore-kun no Jinsei#Mushikaburi-hime#Bocchi the Rock!#Fumetsu no Anata e#Shinobi no Ittoki#tonikaku kawaii#Urusei Yatsura
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🗣️ "Talk about your favourite WIP"
"rumour has it" cause its just a ridiculous silly concept. I typically focus on writing a lot of emotional stuff that leans more into angst, so this one is fun cause its just silly! its fun! there are no stakes to it its just Hawkeye being a pain in the ass while BJ takes things way too seriously. there's no heartbreaking reveal to be had, no angsty twist, its just MASH shenanigans
I like to think of this fic as like. the B plot to an episode thats got horrors going on elsewhere. like in the background of all this nonsense you've probably got something traumatizing going on but its nowhere to be seen here. this is the bridge subplot of The Best of Enemies. this is BJ and his motorcycle in Blood and Guts. this is my magnum opus and I cant wait to share it because its soooo funny for me
also its fun dialogue practice because MASH jokes and one liners are ELITE
❌ "What WIP do you find the most challenging? Why?"
the last chapter of "and miles to go before i sleep" is being such a royal pain in my ass and I WISH I knew why. im almost done im ALMOST done but the last bits are just. biting me. im not sure why because I love this fic, I love this concept ive got, but for some reasons the words will not come to me. im wrestling with myself and first drafting- as if I havent been drafting the rest of my fics, INCLUDING the first two chapters- really hard with this one
I think some of it might be because this is my first multi chapter fic since I was... 14? so im just out of practice with scheduled updating. hindsight being 20/20 I would wait to post the start of a multi chapter fic till ive fleshed out the remaining chapters more- im used to multi chapter writing with like, the actual novel im working on, which. ive been working on for several years. im USED to taking my time. and there's nothing wrong with doing that with fics! but next time id go in more prepared so I dont accidentally leave people on a cliffhanger. for over a month
(im gonna finish it in the next few days I swear I SWEAR)
? "Choose a random WIP and talk about it"
hm lets see for this one ill go with... “it’s not chicken soup, but it’s good for the soul”
this one's tagged to Carry On, Hawkeye and its just a scene of Trapper taking care of Hawkeye while he's sick. its gonna be very short, very sweet, it comes from a place of wanting to explore some Hawkeye and Trapper (and Hawkeye/Trapper) feelings and such. I dont write nearly enough with them and I want to do more! and what better way to do that than with one of my fav episodes?
fun fact about this one, I had actually started an early draft ages ago, where it was a scene between Hawkeye and Margaret instead, but I ended up scrapping it. I repurposed some of it into "a good nurse (friend, a good friend)" which is a scene with Margaret taking care of a sick Hawkeye, but its not set in that episode and rather set sometime post-s6. the original draft wasn't working for me the way I wanted it to so I ended up scrapping it, but recently I was thinking about Carry On, Hawkeye again so I decided to try and crack at it with Trapper because ive been meaning to write more with him
listen the MASH tag is full of people clamouring for more hurt Hawkeye and sick Hawkeye and what am I if not a people pleaser. im here to deliver im here to provide the hurt/comfort. also I just love to do this to him. thats how you know he's my fav because I keep putting him in situations or expanding on the situations the show put him into. this is how I show affection
#mash#fic bitching#hilariously I think im nicer than the show#cause I let him get kissed on the forehead and hugged about all of it#at some point I need to write something that isnt about Hawkeye dkjfksdhfksj#I have the one Radar and Margaret-centric fic up but thats about it really#once im through some of my extensive collection of WIPs. we shall see#anywho thanks for the ask!!
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@boogerwookiesugarcookie asked me to answer ALL of the end of year asks so here we go! Thanks Naja!
Going to put it under a readmore bcs long
1.Song of the year? Dream Girl Evil by Florence and the Machine So nice of Miss Florence to make a song thats not only a bop but also specifically the theme song for my oc Hydrangea
2.Album of the year? I don't listen to many full albums but for me it would have to be a tie between Give me the Future by Bastille and Impera by Ghost 3.Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year? Ghost 4.Movie of the year? Everything Everywhere All At Once! Like i don't even need to think about it. Unlike anything ive ever seen, so interesting and heartwearming. Excellent performances and costuming 5.TV show of the year? Oh man this one is touh bcs i had 3 shows ive been obsessed with this year…. Our Flag Means Death, Severance or Interview with the Vampire 6.Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you? Not defined the year but the best ep of anything ive seen this year was the the season finale ep of Severance. It was so excellent at keeping up the tension for the entirety of the ep. I was pacing and yelling and restless for the full length of it. Just amazing storytelling of everything coming to a head and the editing...my god!!!
7.Favorite actor of the year? I don't care that much about actors to have a fave of the year 8.Game of the year? I was a teenage exocolonist. Just finished my 4rth playthrough and i think i may have 2 more in me bc i want to see different outcomes/choices 9.Best month for you this year? Idk they sorta all blend into one? But December is when i have 2 weeks off work and also the weather is beautiful and sunny so im going to say that and not think about it too much.
10.Something that made you cry this year? A friend was never available to see me despite my multiple attempts to meet up and even though i didnt mind for a lot of it, eventually it started hurting my feelings. 11.Something you want to do again next year? Go on a mini vacation. I took a week off work to visit friends in Tasmania and i think i would be nice to visit some other place next year as well. 12.Talk about a new friend you made this year? I think we'd chatted a little on twitter and also possibly met irl once? But anyway yeah i formally met and befiended the partner of a friend and we rly got along! 13.How was your birthday this year? I went to this super expensive viking themed restaurant ive wanted to go to since 2019! Food, drinks, service, all excellent. I was dressed to the nines in my sequin dress and after i went for a little night walk around the city. It was gr8! 14.Favorite book you read this year? A nobleman's guide to scandals and shipwrecks by Mackenzi Lee. The Montague siblings series is such easy reading for me so i had a fun time! 15.What’s a bad habit you picked up this year? Forgetting to take my acne medication but i also took steps to prevent that so were good now 16.Post a picture from the beginning of the year Actually the first pic i took in 2022

17.Post a picture from the end of the year
Food from yesterday (27/12/22)

18.A memorable meal this year? Oh i already mentioned my birthday dinner so instead ill mention the brunch i made for my friends when i visited them in Tasmania.I was going to make eggs, bacon, homemade flatbread and some other stuff but my time management was off and it took me sooo long to make everything.In the end it was more like a lunch than brunch^^; But everyone was so patient with me and in the end the food was yummy and everyone liked it and we played dnd and had a great time :) 19.What’re you excited about for next year? Going to be getting a new phone and also....idk i havent made any big plans but i look forward to the little moments of joy and indulgence that will come. 20.What’s something you learned this year? Im sure theres life stuff i learned but what im psyched about is learning how to make scones. Its so freakin easy!!! 21.What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year? After living here for about a year,i decided to finally put shit up on the walls of my room.Paintings and fairy lights and i plan on having a little colection of magpie prints too.It rly lifted my mood and brightened up the space. 22.Favorite place you visited this year? Oh man i was just stoked to visit Tasmania and see friends! I need to travel more bcs i love seeing new places. 23.If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be? Do not catastrophise when someone upsets you. Just sleep on it and then act. People sometimes are stupid and thoughtless,not secretly malicious. 24.Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions? I usually have a few and some years i end up completing them, other years i dont. This year my only resolution is to comment on people's art more. Thats fucken it. 25.Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one. Many actually bcs aside from various ocs, i run some trp games where i make 10+ npcs for. I guess one would be Winnie an npc i made for a game who i put so little thought in. Like i needed a character to fullfill a certain role so i recycled an old oc design and gave her like 2 personalty traits. Then though as we played, we all ended up liking her way more than id planned so anyway now she's in the queue to be an upcoming pc for a dnd campaign (with a slight redesign)
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Alternative {spencer reid}
Chapter 1
summary: Since quarentine was announced, Y/N decided to rewatch all seasons of Criminal Minds. On a lonely night she wished she could be in that universe instead of this. What happens when she wakes up in 2008 in Quantico?
warnings: angst, a very confused reader, regular cm stuff and my grammar (if you find anything else pls lmk
word count: 2k
a/n: i have this idea while watching a movie about parallel universes and all, so i just wanted to try this out. it will be a 10 parts series! im not really sure about this, i think i kinda hate it but im posting it anyways lmao. i hope you gonna enjoy!
series masterlist
part 1 | part 2
You woke up feeling dizzy and with a major headache. At first you thought it was because you drank a whole lot of wine last night but then you saw yourself in a room you never saw before. You stoop up quickly trying to understand where you were and how did you end up there. You were sure that you have never been in this place before, and it was scaring you that you showed up in there.
There was a mirror nailed to the wall in from of you almost forcing you to look at your own body, that made you notice that you were still wearing the same clothes from last night, but you weren’t home. Not being home was odd given by the fact you stayed there with your family and two friends you invited over, since there’s a whole freaking pandemic going on and you for sure did not want to get sick or get other people sick.
“Did I get kidnapped?” you think out loud. “No, I just watch too much Criminal Minds.” you tell yourself, trying to calm down.
You reach for the face mask placed on the nightstand, getting ready to leave this random place and go home. You tried not to freak out when you realized your phone was gone and the only cellphone in there was probably as old as your grandmother. You dialed your moms number about five times and all of them went on voicemail, making you curse mentally.
This can’t be happening. Not to me.
As soon as you leave the apartment you were in you realized you weren’t in your hometown, definitely not. It was crowded, like, really crowded and no one was wearing any face masks. Where did the freaking pandemic go? You wondered while you felt like a misfit for being the only one wearing it.
“Excuse me, can you tell me where I am?” you ask an old lady walking by.
“You’re on Main Street, sweetheart.” she says.
“No, um, I mean the city.” you watched as the old lady looked at you with a funny face, as if she was calling you crazy on her mind.
“We’re in Quantico, dear.”
“Quantico?” you repeat, mostly for yourself then for her. The lady started at you like you were an alien. “Thank you so much, ma’am.”
The air started to go low on you, how did you get to Virginia, anyway? That was across the country from where you lived, Bellevue in Washington state. You started lost walking, trying to understand what the hell was going on. It felt like you were on a parallel universe, like you were in a dream but couldn't wake up and it sure felt very real. You stoped a jornal shop taking a lot at the last newspaper in there, trying to figure if something happened that you were missing. However, nothing reported there shocked you, what did, though, was the date.
July 1st, 2008
You were about to ask someone about it when you bumped into a blonde woman, falling on the ground. As soon as you looked up, you almost chocked yourself. If the day was already weird, this was even weirder. A.J Cook was standing right in front of you with a concerned look. You couldn't really say anything, just staring at her like she wasn't real. It was weird seeing her in front of you after only seeing her through screens.
“I’m so sorry!” she said as she offered a hand for you to get up. “Are you ok?”
“I- um, yes! I’m fine.” you san, getting the dirt out of your outfit. “I’m a big fan of yours! Wish I had my phone here to take a picture but- sorry.“ you stoped talking, realizing she probably doesn’t care.
“Big fan of me? Wow, howcome somebody’s a fan of me?” she sounds surprised.
“Well, you’re on Criminal Minds.” you say as it was obvious.
She looked at you as if you were out of your mind. Not that you weren't thinking otherwise at the moment, anyways.
“I’m on what now?” she asked.
Maybe you got confused and she was the wrong person, but she looked so much like her to not be her. If they were not the same person, then definitely twins. This was so weird, once again, you found yourself asking ‘what the hell’ mentally.
“You’re JJ, Jennifer Jareau, FBI Agent and all.” you say, trying one more time. “Behaviour Analysis Unit...”
“Yea, that‘s me.” she let a nervous laugh comes out of her mouth. “How do you know me?”
‘This is weird’ you thought. How does she not understand where you know her from? Literally Criminal Minds, like you said at first. ‘Maybe this is all a dream.’
“I saw you on tv” you try.
“Oh, I see! You like law enforcement?” she asks you.
“Oh yes, I’m in law-school to be a judge someday.” you answered. “The show, all of it just makes me wanna put all them bad guys in jail.” you say, laughing a bit.
“The show...? What?” you hear her whisper, but decide to ignore it. “What’s the mask about?” JJ asks, making you look at her surprised.
“Um, covid-19?” you say like it’s obvious, because it is.
“Oh, sure...” she smiles as she says it, almost like she's only agreeing because she won't discuss it. “Great talking to you, really, but I gotta go, FBI duty calls.” she jokes.
You smile at her watching carefully as she picks up her phone from her pocket and pick up a call. That phone looked awfully old, like 2000’s old. Why would a famous actress have that kinda of phone? Then, you looked around trying to understand more about what was going on. It was all too out of place.
First, nobody wearing masks, not even a single person but you. Second, you were in a city in which is miles away from your own. Third, a famous actress acted like she’s nobody. And fourth, the date on the calendar said 2008.
If it wasn’t just impossible I would say I time travelled into Criminal Minds universe.
After standing there for literal 10 minutes trying to figure it out what you were going to do, you decide to go to the police department. After all, you may have been abducted, right? Because you didn’t have any knowledge of the place, you took quite some time to get there. As soon as you got there you sigh in relief, that has been quite a walk and damn, you were tired of this situation.
“Excuse me, ma’am, can you help me?” you ask to the lady standing behind the counter.
“Sure, dear. What do you need?” she looks up at you, taking her glasses of her face.
“I think I might have been abducted?” you start. “I woke up in this random apartment.”
“Maybe you had a one-night stand.” she said putting back her glasses.
“No! I am sure I didn’t because first of all, there’s a pandemic going on, second of all I was in Bellevue in Washington state when I went to sleep.” you yell, involuntarily, desperate to make her believe in you.
“Miss, I’m gonna need you to calm down or you will be escorted out of the building. You’re probably on drugs, there's nothing we can do for you.”
“Fuck you.” you say as you watch her face get all red.
Frustrated. That could define what you were feeling, scared and worried could do the work, as well. What were you going to do now? Go to the FBI to see if they could freaking understand why you simply appeared in Quantico? Didn't sound like a bad idea in your mind as you decided to just try it out. After all, you were already pretty screwed up, it would worth a shot.
You reached for your back pocket, hoping that the money you shoved in there more than a week ago would still be in there. Bingo! You pull out a 20 dollar bill out of it and the next thing you know you’re getting into a cab asking him to take you to the FBI. Now that’s something you never thought would happen. The travel was quite quick, in 20 minutos you were standing in front of that big isolated building. It looked like it was taken straight out of your favorite show, that was insane.
The wind blew hard on you when you got out of the vehicle, making you shiver a little, that reminded you that you did not have any clothes nor money to buy more. God, you did not even have where to go. You didn't even get the chance to get into the building as a big man steps in front of you, blocking your way.
“Miss, you're not allowed in this building.” he said without much expression.
“But, sir-” you started, as you saw he was about to interrupt you, you go on. “Ive been abducted and I don't know where or how the hell did I get in here, I’m completely hopeless... Please.” you beg him.
He started at you for a couple of seconds, that felt like centuries for you, just to sigh at you.
“Ok, follow me.” he said. “Do not make me regret this.”
“I-I won’t, sir.” you were quick to answer.
The agent asked another man to cover up for him as he led me into the building. Once again you found yourself admired of how much it did look like a Criminal Minds episode in there, if you weren't totally desperate you'd be amused. Soon, you two were out of the elevator on floor 8, leading with the words Behavior Analysis Unit quite big.
“Can you take her to Agent Jareau, please?” the man said to someone who passed by, who simply agreed.
Now, that's a funny coincidence, there's actually an Agent Jareau in the BAU.
You followed the woman with questioning trying to stay calm when you saw Matthew Gray Gubler sitting on a desk reading some book in Reid style, almost like he was Spencer himself. If you had any doubts you were going crazy, that was the final proof. You stoped walking, taking a stare at him and then at the Agent that stared a you like you were an alien.
“Is there something wrong?” she asks you. “Miss, are you ok?”
You were unable to answer for a few seconds when you finally opened you mouth, still trying to figure it out how to say what was on your mind without sounding completely insane.
“Is that Dr. Spencer Reid?”
And that was all you’re able to say because as soon as you let his name out of your mouth he looked up at you, trying to somehow recognize you. You were sure, that time, that you never looked - and sounded - as insane as right now.
“Yes, that's me.” he answers.
His voice was the last thing you could hear before everything go black. Maybe you were finally going to wake up. Maybe.
#spencer reid#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid fanfic#spencer reid smut#spencer reid imagine#criminal minds#criminal minds x reader#bau#fbi#spencer reid x you#spencer reid x y/n#Spencer Reid fluff#angst#self insert#aaron h#derek morgan#jennifer jareau#Penelope garcia#emily prentiss#x reader#Matthew gray Gubler x reader
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just some blahs in ☁️s while im taking a break—
☁️ i know i said i will finish all the photos today since i dont really feel like working on them tomorrow again but i dont wanna like ~force~ myself to do it just so i could say i finished it too so idk hihi maybe i will finish them tonight or maybe not whatevs
☁️ im thinking of coloring my hair brown hehe not sure if like chocolate brown as is or i'll do it with highlights or maybe even like chestnut brown or maybe even like kendall's medium copper blonde hair lol honestly i just feel doing something with my hair and i dont wanna cut it yet because it'd be shorter than what i want and so dazz why im thinking of coloring it hmm
☁️ oOoOOoOOooohhh i bought some makeup recently because a friend will get married soon and i wanna doll up for that lol im so looking forward to practicing my makeup lewk for that day—i mean izz prolly gonna be something straightforward like always since my makeup skillz are really not like makeup-master level ykwim hehe
☁️ i also got myself new heels and a bag—nope dazz a lie because i actually got myself two bags whoOps one is already here but the other is still in transit
☁️ tbfh, i got myself a bunch of new stuff because i stress shopped and so i was like i want this i want that i also want and that and oh i like that okie wow would you look at now i hvmore than 20 parcels coming in what happened lol
☁️ but fine okie a lot of those are for my personal use ngl but some of those parcels are also stuff for home and for mah furbebis so dont even come at me
☁️ eniweyyyyyyyyyy abt my new work responsibility—im honestly excited for that but also scared and pressured to be good at it right away even though i know there is always a learning curve for everything lol but yas i hope you guys could support me once i start doing it because im as heck will be putting myself out there hihi
☁️ okie moving on... ive been watching a few feel good chick flicks from time to time because i realized i havent watched anything new lately and that i always always ways go for my comfort shows still even though i told myself im gonna try other films and shows hehe so yeah i also started watching the new partner earlier today and so far im enjoying it but then again from time to time i still play a few episodes of b99 lol
☁️ i am also back to reading books again hihi i stopped because the last two psychological thriller novels i read were so fucked up that i just had to take a break from reading so now im dabbling the mountain is you; when you get the chance; and good girl, bad blood
okiedokieyokie so dazz wassup with mah lyf lately (๑˘︶˘๑) im gonna go back to working now since i just feel like doing some still hehe sending y'all lotsa love and light alwaaaays~
#cookie#life lately#awow#donut#skl ; 🦇 ba#i did not check this for errors so excuse me if you ever see anything
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hiya there! one piece fan here. the manga was published VERY shortly after my birth, and im a working adult atm. so there's a lot to catch up on. and i mean this in the most honest way possible, there. is. a. lot.
if you want to experience the whole thing from beginning to end, you may have to spend, idk, years? depending on how much free time you want to spend. ofc if you read the manga it cuts down on time, because the anime has fillers every now and then. but some fillers are pretty outstanding and bring some personality to the table.
im not very good of a fan because i like smoother animation. so, ive skipped majority of the manga/anime in favor of watching recent episodes, then reading wiki pages if i get confused about any lore/backstory. btw the recent films starting from one piece film: strong world have god tier animation and were thought up by oda-sensei himself. the great thing about them is that they introduce you to the characters every single film, so they're newcomer-friendly!
but also, one piece is. unmatched in terms of worldbuilding. with like. 20+ years of content and oda-sensei's dedication to the universe, it's staggering to see islands, communities, and people so fleshed out that by the end you either care for them or at least understand where they're coming from --- including some of the worst villains.
it's pretty good. but to get through it, you have to commit but pace yourself or do what i did: pick a place to start and get additional info as needed. one piece is almost as old as i am. not a lot of new readers are picking it up because of its sheer length. but it is rewarding on its own.
one piece makes me want to go on adventures with my friends, make new friends, eat the most delicious food possible, beat up an oppressive government, and learn more about the world. it's an experience, i tell you. and it's worth the time spent.
we're approaching the end of one piece now, which might seem like my little (talented, showstopping, spectacular, etc) brother is retiring from a career that hes been in since he was born or smth, which is odd because im an only child. i'll be sad to see it end, but at the same time i can finally sleep knowing that i can actually read the beginning of one piece all the way to the end if i have the time
p.s. also one piece makes you cry for a fucking boat. thats how good a storyteller oda is.
okay, first of all. can i tell you how beautifully written your ask was? 😭 i felt like you sat me down to tell me a story and i’m just… OKAY WOW. if you’re not already a writer, you need to get in those drafts asap and write something oh my god 🫣💕 but anyways, you truly sold me on at least giving it a try. i feel a little intimidated because most fans seem to be like you and grew up with the show. i regret not watching more anime with my older brother tbh. BUT I WANT TO GIVE IT A TRY. if i can rewatch almost 20 seasons of grey’s anatomy, i can watch one piece. you better not leave me because i’m going to have to talk to you about it OKAY 😤😤
#꒰ 🍰 ꒱ ﹕ཿ ࿓ sweetbox#when you said it was like a little brother my eyes started stinging#you know those parents that are like ‘why aren’t you on the court with lebron’ when they see a tall kid?#that’s me @ you#why aren’t you in front of a computer writing some FICS
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im curious, isnt Lumine 15 and Childe 20??
ive seen people say that but heres a couple things!!
1) theres no real canon ages (the only explicitly stated one is venti being like 500+ or whatever, and lumine/aether being 500+)
2) the whole “lumine is 15!!” argument came from the fact that mondstadt is inspired by germany, and while in mondstadt venti says lumine is “underage,” but visual/regional inspiration doesnt mean mihoyo took up the laws from germany too!! if youre making a game IN china, the laws inside said game will most likely follow the laws of china, where the drinking age is actually 18!!
2.5) (and this is also confirmed in the comic ive heard, where at dilucs 18th birthday they get him his first drink and it says something about him finally being an adult or something). so i think shes more like 17(physically)!! (but again, the traveler is 500+ years old so....if teenage body 500 year old venti can down 37 drinks, so can we) (of course it could also be venti KNOWS we’re super old and is just harassing us for fun as usual)
3) point #2 also reminds me of that scene in GSNK where creators can get in trouble for breaking laws in their creations, (the episode where he had to give the delinquents juice and lollipops instead of drinks and cigarettes), which is another reason mihoyo would probably just implement the laws from china to be safe.
4) ive seen people say she LOOKS young, which is kind of a bad argument because theres only 3 sizes of playable character model to choose from, also short people exist. amber was drinking in jeans quest and she literally has the same look and build
4.5) edit: another point on “looking young” - in childes story, childe is stated to be the youngest harbinger in fatui history. hes #11, scaramouche is #6. Assuming childe is 19-20, this makes scaramouche AT LEAST 20-21. hes probably older, since there are 5 whole harbingers between him and childe, most likely some time passed between when he became a harbinger, and when childe became a harbinger. yet, he also has the “young boy” model. so another example of looks ≠ age.
5) again, the only canon age we have for lumine is 500+. (or whenever that bigass war was a long time ago at the very least), and most chilumi shippers see the age gap as 17 lumine 19 childe, which is actually very realistic and other ships like xiaolumi, lumine/zhongli, or literally any other lumine ship thats not, like albedo or something, go without hate so you know what!! just do whatever you want!!!
i personally also see it as 17 lumine, 19 childe so thats what im going with!!!!!
(also sorry i hope this doesnt sound like im yelling at YOU, its just a lot of things ive been thinking about whenever i see people bring up the “age gap” argument!!! )
EDIT: I FORGOT THAT IN DAINSELFS QUEST SHES WALKS INTO THE BAR AND THE GUY IS LIKE “oh, apple juice for you?” and she mugs on about “another day, another lack of alcoholic options” implying she SHOULD be able to drink but other people just think shes too young!!!
#anyway....i love lumine and childe#overall its a gray area ship because lumine is PHYSCIALLY whatever age you want her to be#so shrug emoji its whatever you want#as for childe being 19 i forget what the basis for that is#i guess he had some things happen to him at like 14 so supposedly someone made a timeline for him#but also mihoyos own timeline is a little messed up. i know theres some inconsistencies with dilucs past in the game vs the manga
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CW: possibly molestation
so ive been reading the tv tropes for mash + like some other old articles (i love having character analysis done for me lol) but, i saw like, several instances, espesh in hawkeye specific character trope list, thay refers to him having had his first time veru young and with a potentially older girl? to the point it being like, explicitly nonconsensual due to their age difference. so i was curious if u knew anything about that or somerhing (i havent seen it mentioned on u, or the other little mash blogs i follow)
Hello!! I also like reading TVTropes! When I was watching mash the first time, I actually kept the TVTropes tab open to read bits of it once I'd watched the right parts of the show, lol. I will put this conversation under a cut so people can choose to avoid it. CW discussion of molestation and sexual assault. But the short answer I do know where it comes from and I don't think it means anything.
There is an episode where Hawkeye mentions his father catching him smoking in bed when he was 14, then grins and says "so was the girl I was with." This could be a joke, or it could be he's so smooth he really did have a girl with him back then (as with a lot of Hawkeye lines, it's ambiguous) but I don't think there's anything that implies the girl wasn't his own age.
There is also an episode where Hawkeye says something along the lines of "could you find my virginity? I lost it 20 years ago." Hawkeye is 28 in the book, and the fact that he was in fifth grade during the Depression seems to confirm a birthdate around 1920-22, so he'd be between 28 and 30 in 1950 and 31-33 in the finale (I stick with 1922 for my headcanon, but I do want to acknowledge there's some leeway). The timeline is murky, but the episode with that virginity line is in a middle season somewhere, so he really can't be more than 29-30 when he says it. So that's kind of concerning, since 20 years ago he would have been 9 or 10 years old. Like a lot of his lines, it doesn't have to be taken literally, and he could be rounding. I do not think it was intended to be taken literally or suggest Hawkeye lost his virginity at the age of 9. This is what I think:
I think they forgot how old Hawkeye is. Alan Alda was 35 when they started filming season 1. An actor in his mid-thirties delivering a line saying he lost his virginity 20 years ago puts him in his teens, which is very normal. I think they just forgot how much younger Hawkeye is supposed to be, especially because his age is never exactly pinned down.
So I tend to just wince at that line and ignore it.
It's also alluded to on TVTropes that there could have been something untoward going on with Hawkeye's cousin Billy. I also don't agree with this interpretation. I think it's making a lot out of two kids looking at dirty magazines. Hawkeye was supposed to be very young when this happened (although now that I think about it, I'm not sure that necessarily happened before the boat incident, so while he was still relatively young, he may not have literally been 7) but like it or not, it's not an unheard of experience. I also personally think Billy just wanted to look at the dirty magazines and Hawkeye was tagging along so he thought sure, whatever, let the kid look too. That's just my headcanon though.
Hawkeye also makes a joke about a stewardess forcing herself on him, but in that case nothing suggests he wasn't an adult when it happened. Also, I don't think that alludes to any real incident, the joke is basically that in the 50s the idea that women could sexually assault men was absurd, it's just Hawkeye is such hot stuff this woman simply lost all control around and him "did her a favor" by "not screaming" but of course he thoroughly enjoyed it. It's a gross joke on multiple levels, just not that one.
This is way more than what you asked for! That's how it goes here on my blog.
#mashposting#tbqh we should talk about margaret and her family friends sometime#that's a LOT more :/
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Hi! So first off, your blog is incredible (probs the best buffy blog I have come across so far?) & second, I have gathered you are a spike fan, super curious to hear your thoughts on the terrible episode in season 6 (?) where he tries to r*pe buffy. I feel like everyone tends to ignore the weirdness of season 6 but I really want to explore other folks opinions on it
lmao thank u for enjoying my bullshit <3
it got kinda long so im putting my thoughts under a read more. tw for discussion of sexual assault
to be frank i dont think ive actually sat down and watched seeing red since the first time i watched the show back when i was like. 14. a lot of shit goes down in that ep that is not fun to watch, nor was it supposed to be. in my personal opinion, i dont like most of season 6. it starts out fine, bargaining and after life are interesting, engaging episodes. the seeds of everyones explosive interpersonal dramas are about to fully bloom, and theres a lot of narrative tension in that regard. but as the characters unhealthy coping mechanisms start to catch up with them and bad decisions after bad decisions are being made, i no longer enjoyed watching characters i love begin to succumb to their downward spirals. the push/pull of negative character development works for some people, but it just wasnt enjoyable to me. i started this blog in march right around the time i was doing my first s6 rewatch in years and i eventually gave up right before riley shows back up because it wasnt fun for me to watch anymore (also because i think as you were is a dumb episode lol) :/ lmao i guess as a depressed 20 something i dont want to also watch a bunch of depressed 20 somethings struggle with real world problems. im still debating whether to just go back and watch the dark willow eps, bc that was fun to see, but other than that ... :/
back to seeing red, while i hate that it lead to an attempted sexual assault, i can understand the narrative path that got them to that point. spike is absolutely in the wrong, he's the one that took it too far, but regardless, from a character perspective i can see how he got to the bathroom. the buffy/spike sexual relationship is absolutely toxic the moment it begins. its built on misunderstandings, buffy using spike without regard for his feelings not understanding that despite being soulless he is his own person with his own emotions, and spike not understanding why buffy is turning to him, that her own self loathing and depression is what is driving her to him as a means of escape, not truly because of a purer emotion like love which is what he wants. their whole tryst is a stew of muddled yes/no mixed signals. and after buffy decides to break it off with spike for good, as a way for herself to begin healing from her depression, it makes sense that he wouldnt fully believe her. she had been turning her back on him and then crawling back so often, why would this time be different? again with the misunderstandings of the relationship between the both of them. they had reached a standstill where neither party knows how the other is interpreting their actions. i like this excerpt from Critically Touched's review of Seeing Red, because i feel like he is able to explain how they got to that bathroom scene in a very succinct way
"Something had to happen with these two. Spike had to just leave the show, die, or do something so bad to Buffy that he'd need to get a soul to even attempt to make things right with her, despite the fact that having a soul makes him a new individual in the process. So, despite obviously not "enjoying" the scene, I did find it shocking and I did find it valuable from a character perspective. Due to their twisted sexual relationship this season, I'm not convinced anything else other than this would result in Spike fighting for his soul to be not just a better man... but to be a man (which is poetically said in "Beneath You" [7x02])."
here is the link to the rest of the review -> [link] which i feel like, as with his other buffy reviews, is able to objectively analyze the episode in a really interesting and in depth way, and also help contextualize the episode not just within the season but the rest of the show. i recommend looking through the rest of his reviews, its an interesting perspective from someone who clearly loves this show a lot and is willing to take the time to analyze both the narrative threads as well as the character development, giving every single character their dues in his analysis.
i genuinely love both buffy and spike a lot as characters. they are both incredibly engaging and interesting, in how they grow and change throughout the course of the show, as well as how they play off each other and what they bring out in each other. seeing red is a difficult episode for a lot of people, and for good reason. while their relationship was toxic for both parties it was absolutely spike that took it too far, his attempted sexual assault is inexcusable, and he pays dearly for his transgression. i dont know if i will sit down and watch seeing red ever lol, its definitely up there with the body for episodes that i refuse to rewatch often (though for entirely different reasons lol).
i hope i explained that adequately. its a sensitive subject and i kno a lot of people understandably dont like spike because of his actions in s6. he had straddled the line between good and bad for so long that he had to reach some kind of tipping point to either go fully good or fully bad, and if he died or left the show it would have felt that his character arc had been cut short or left unfinished somehow. its unfortunate and terrible that the tipping point had to come at the cost of assault towards buffy, but as Critically Touched said given that the nature of their relationship was roughly sexual and full of misunderstandings, i can see how it ended up in that bathroom.
also just as a quick aside the way the scene is shot does an excellent job of evoking this sense of dread and wrong. you can tell immediately something awful is going to happen and it makes my skin crawl
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Blue Dream, V
Pairing: Iris West x Barry Alen
Rating: E
Chapter Word Count:7, 733
Summary: A series of sporadic dates between Iris and Barry turn into something more, a story in its own making.
Chapter I: Primetime
Chapter II: It's Cool
Chapter III: Anything
Chapter IV: Comfortable
Chapter V: The Way; He doesn’t fumble the chance to touch her, and so he presses a hand to the small of her back and follows her as she sways, humming the song that’s playing, is it the way you love me, baby? is it the way you love me, baby?, ignoring the obvious implication as they move. She puts her face in to the crook of his neck, inhales the clean scent of him. His sweater is soft and he’s hard against her, humming along too. They shouldn’t be like this, here, but Iris is starting to get caught up in it, their story. (Read below or on the AO3 link on the chapter title.)
Chapter VI: Can't Take My Eyes Off of You
Chapter VII: I'm in Love with You
Chapter VIII: Blue Dream
The Way
Woke up this morning
With a smile on my face
Barry: I had to look for crime clues at the bottom of a snake pit today. Hope your day was better than mine.
Iris: Well, I had to go off on a freshman student for coming at me about her shitty article, so not likely.
Barry: Yeah? Did it get physical?
Iris: Don’t be a cliche.
Barry: :)
Barry: Watched an episode of this Bridgerton show you like. I don’t get the hype.
Iris: Two words: Simon Bassett
Barry: Hmm.
Barry: I’m certain I look better.
Iris: Don’t lie to yourself like that.
Barry: Damn. Burn.
Iris: How will you ever recover?
Barry: I’m sure if I get you spread out over my face, I could.
Barry: And get you to forget about Simon Bassett too.
Barry: Iris?
Iris: Sorry; I spilled my coffee.
Iris: I’ve thought of my next question.
Barry: Yeah?
Iris: What would be an ideal date for you?
Barry: Any one that you’re on with me.
Iris: That’s a cop out answer, Bear.
Barry: Bear?
Iris: I’m trying it out.
Barry: I can get behind that. Bears are polite dicks, right?
Iris: I hate you.
Barry: I’ve got a couple of scratches on my neck that prove you don’t.
Barry: Baby?
Iris: Be serious. Ideal date.
Barry: I am.
Barry: You make me smile, Iris. You’re pretty and kind, even if you get a little grumpy sometimes. I’ve had a great time with you, when we’re walking around or having dinner or eating sandwiches by the lake. When we’re getting high or having sex.
Barry: And I want to keep getting to know you. So I am being serious. My ideal date is any one that you’re on with me.
Iris: How am I supposed to even respond to that.
Iris: Be ready on Tuesday at 6. Can you swing it?
Barry: I can.
Iris: Dress a little dressier than casual.
Barry: Did you get them?
Iris: Yes, Barry, they’re beautiful. What are they?
Barry: They’re called camellias.
Iris: I was very surprised to see them on my porch when I got home. And I love the vase too.
Iris: Really. Thank you. I don’t think anyone has ever gotten me flowers before.
Barry: Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you. I can’t wait to see you on Tuesday, baby.
Iris: Me either, Bear.
Iris: I think I still smell you on my couch, and I cleaned it. That’s ridiculous, right?
Barry: Only if me being able to still smell you on my fingers is.
Iris: What are you doing to me, Barry?
Barry: Nothing you aren’t already doing to me.
Barry: I was grinning down at my phone earlier and Chester and Cisco started giving me shit about you.
Barry: They told me I’m whipped.
Iris: Better than your boss announcing in her office that she’s glad you’re apparently getting good sex.
Barry: You are.
Iris: 🙄
Iris: Not lately.
Barry: Soon, baby.
Barry: And Iris?
Iris: Yeah?
Barry: I am.
Barry: Whipped.
“Who’s on the phone?”
It’s another Sunday night, a week after she’s last seen Barry. Mid-term prep and a triple homicide case have kept them both busy. They’ve exchanged a few text messages throughout the week and have tried to meet up for coffee once, though their schedules didn’t align.
She’s done her usual Sunday cleaning routine since she didn’t get a chance the week before and she’s even taken the time to condition and twist out her hair instead of flat ironing it as she normally would. Now, she sits back in one corner of her sofa, Law & Order: SVU playing in the background on the television and Linda and Wally sitting on the other side of the couch and in the armchair, respectively. Her laptop is in her lap and she’s cleaning up her “Loving” post before she officially posts it. Linda is writing, likely working on her new manuscript, and Wally is doing homework, books laid out on the arm of the chair and on the floor too.
She doesn’t answer right away because she’s unsure if she’s ready to tell yet. They’ve been texting all week and Iris feels even more like a teenager with a crush. She’s been going to bed with images of him in her head, of his kiss and his touch and the fact that he really did make her come all over his face on a blanket outside by the lake. And she can’t ignore the fact that she likes him. He’s funny and the likable kind of asshole and he says these sweet things that catch her off guard every. single. time. The flowers he’d dropped off when she was still at work on Friday are sitting on the counter, a mix of red and white flowers with open petals, short stems, and big green leaves.
“Hmm?” She looks up from the last messages, I am. Whipped., and it’s to stare at her brother and best friend, who are watching her back. “What?”
“Who’re you texting?”
“I’m not texting anyone.”
“For a storyteller,” Linda says, “you are a horrible liar.”
“Take the phone, Linda,” Wally says, and Iris looks over at him, appalled. Wally is a handsome kid, 20 going on 37, with skin the same dusky shade as Iris’s and dark brown eyes, his hair tapered on the sides and higher, curlier on the top.
“What do you mean take my phone?”
Linda carefully sets her laptop to the side, and before Iris can ask another question, Linda jumps over to the side of the couch, reaching for Iris’s phone.
“Get away from me, you idiot,” Iris screams, and with Wally’s encouragement, Linda climbs onto Iris’s lap and snatches the phone from her hand. Wally hops up from his own seat to hold Iris down so that Iris can’t get up. She tries to struggle against him, but it’s no use. For a limber thing, Wally is strong.
“Who is it?”
As Iris makes note of the fact that she should definitely change her phone passcode, she settles under her brother’s hold as Linda looks through her phone.
“We’re gonna have to talk about privacy,” she grumbles.
Luckily, the text messages don’t go back as far as she’s known Barry, but unfortunately, there’s no hiding their budding relationship.
“Who is Barry?” Linda says, eyebrows raised high as she slides through. “And where can I get one?”
“You already have one,” Iris replies dryly.
“I guess,” Linda says, “But Dan’s not telling me he wants me to spread out on his face in a text message.”
“Iris!” Wally shouts.
“Wally is too young to hear all of this,” Iris tries.
“Oh please,” Linda says. “Let’s not forget that I caught him and that Johnathan guy hooking up in a closet at your dad’s house. Your little brother was on his knees.” That she adds with a saucy little grin.
“Can we actually not talk about me or the apparent fact that my sister’s getting tongued down by someone named Barry?”
“I’m okay with that.”
Linda bounces back to her side of the sofa, still holding on to Iris’s phone. “Well, I’m not. I mean, Wally I am 100% fine with never seeing you deepthroat a dick again. But I do want to know why my best friend is apparently out here pussy whipping white men named Barry and I don’t know about it.”
“How do you know he’s white?”
She gets the eye from both Linda and Wally.
“Okay, fine. He’s white. But he’s really nice.”
“Alright.” Linda catches her gaze and holds it, her brown eyes curious and, if Iris isn’t mistaken, a little sad. She glances over at the still beautiful bouquet of camellia flowers. “So he’s white and nice and he’s apparently buying you flowers too. Tell me more.”
Maybe this is what she needs, some girl-talk. There’s no real reason that she hasn’t told Linda about Barry, other than they haven’t really had real time to talk since their brunch a couple of weeks back. Well, and maybe it’s more than that. Maybe it’s the reality that she doesn’t know what’s happening with her and Barry, not really, and (in her head) there’s a sort of taboo about speaking on it, about making it real when it isn’t.
“He’s…” she starts, and then she pauses. “I need wine for this.”
“Me too!” Wally says as she disappears into the kitchen. She hears Linda tell Wally that he’s still not 21, even though his birthday is only a couple of weeks away, and so he can’t drink, but Iris pours up three glasses of the red wine on her counter anyway. There’s no telling what the conversation will bring.
She carefully takes the glasses back to the living room. The other two have fully abandoned their work and are sitting on the sofa waiting for her. They both make grabby hands for the wine and she passes the glasses over before plopping down in the middle of them.
“Okay, first things first,” Wally starts. “How’d you meet him?”
“I went out dancing,” she answers. “I guess a few weeks ago at this point. And…”
“A few weeks?” Linda interrupts.
Iris sips from her glass to avoid making eye contact after the bit of ire in Linda’s tone.
“Yeah,” she continues after a pause. “I went out and we came back here. He was gone the next morning and I thought that was it. But then he showed up a week later and we hung out again. I saw him at the Fall Fest after our brunch, Linda, and we had dinner. Last Sunday, he took me on a picnic.”
“Okay,” Linda says, “but tell me about him.”
“I don’t know; he’s…” she searches for what to say, to put words to the ways she’s been seeing him in her head, to the way she’s been feeling him in her heart. “Maybe nice is too easy a word because he’s not really nice. He’s polite; like he pays for meals and he walks me to my car and he says please. But he’s also got a little oomph to him, ya know. Like he doesn’t look like it, but he’s a little bit, a little commanding, and…”
“Wait, what do you mean commanding? Like is he trying to tell you what to do? Because…”
“No, Wally. I mean like...”
“In the bedroom?” Linda guesses and Iris nods. “Nice.”
“Good for you,” Wally says.
She waits until they’re done laughing at her irritated expression.
“Sorry,” Linda says. “He’s a freak. What else?”
“I don’t know. He’s kinda funny. Like, he doesn’t tell jokes but he’ll say something to try to push my buttons and it makes me laugh. Or he’ll laugh at himself and that makes me laugh too. And even though you can tell he’s pretty confident in himself, there are still these instances where he’s a little awkward and he blushes and it’s...sweet.” And he makes me feel a little less lonely, she doesn’t add, and like he could be someone that I could come to count on.
Her brother and best friend are both quiet after this and when Iris looks from one to the other, she frowns.
“Iris, you like him.” This from Linda.
“It’s only been a couple of dates,” she deflects.
“Yeah,” Wally agrees, “and he’s already calling you baby.”
Linda hums. “That might have a little to do with the pussy whipping.”
“Yes, that makes sense.”
“In any case,” Linda says, before Iris can respond. “If he’s all of this, why are you keeping it a secret?”
“Because I don’t know what we’re doing. I thought it was just sex. I mean he came back over after the first time for sex. But now, it’s, it’s…”
“More?” Linda tries.
“And you’re afraid that it’s gonna end before it even starts.”
Iris doesn’t know how Linda does it. She’s always been able to see right through Iris, in a way that would be scary if she didn’t appreciate it so much. Because that’s the truth, isn’t it? Iris is scared because it’s only been weeks and she likes this guy so much already. Even after their first night, when Iris was sure she’d never see him again, she’d felt a stirring of something in her gut, something strong and big and, and important. And it doesn’t make any sense, because all they’ve really done is have sex, albeit phenomenal sex, and talk about their hobbies a little. But she’s feeling feelings she’s never felt before and it’s all a bit...much. Feelings like this don’t last. They falter or they change, turning into things undefinable, charged, angry.
“It’s too soon, though, right?” She tries. “Like, we still don’t even really know each other and…”
“Don’t do that, Iris,” Wally interrupts, his voice a warning.
“Do what?”
“Think about ending it,” Linda says. “Ride it out. I know you have this need to try to figure out how things will end. And I can understand that. But, Iris, this man likes you. He’s telling you his feelings. And you obviously like him. So let that be okay for now. Trust that.”
Iris is not expecting the cute one-story modern farmhouse she pulls up to. It’s made of gray brick and white shiplap and there’s a flower garden on either side of the walkway that leads to the porch. A swinging chair hangs on one side of the porch and a couple of rocking chairs sit on the other and if Barry wasn’t already walking out of the house when she stopped her car in front, she might think she was at the wrong place.
The weather has gotten cooler in the evenings and so he’s dressed in a pair of dark plaid slacks that fit to the long length of him and a sift black sweater. She stifles a hysterical giggle at how it matches her own white cashmere sweater tucked into a black pleated skirt that hems just under her knees. She watches him stroll to her car and climb in.
“I was gonna come to the door and get you,” Iris says. “Like on a proper date.”
He shoots her a grin, cheeks pink. “I, uh, I was excited to see you.”
She hears Linda in her head saying, ‘you obviously like him; let that be okay for now,’ and so she smiles at Barry.
“You’re so sweet, it’s irritating.”
He gives her a wider dorky grin and she can’t help but smile back, wider than before.
“And this house is really nice.”
His smile turns softer, sadder. “Yeah. It was my parents’. Just want to keep it nice for them.”
“Well I don’t know if you’ve turned the inside into a dungeon, but you’re certainly keeping it nice outside.”
“Thanks, Iris. I’ve learned that I’ve got quite the green thumb trying to keep it up.” He wiggles his hands at her as she’s putting the car into drive and pulling off.
“Wait, so you tend to garden yourself?”
He nods. “Yeah. Both of my parents were into gardening. Well, my mom really liked flowers but she couldn’t really make anything grow. So she got my dad into it and he could, which annoyed her to no end.”
Iris shoots him a soft grin. “Is that what the tattoo is about? I’ve been wondering.”
“Yeah. I get two new flowers every year, one on my mom’s birthday and the other on the anniversary of her death.”
“That’s really sweet, Barry.”
She turns her attention back to the road. A man who, in addition to what she’s seen so far, is committed to keeping his mother’s memory alive? Yeah, she’s fucked.
Greenwood Art Gallery has only been open for a few months. A nod to the name of the neighborhood down in Tulsa that was once the home of a Black cultural and economic mecca, the art gallery features art by Black artists across the diaspora. Tonight is the opening night of a new artist showing, a young woman named Lauryn Morgan who’s a Central City native. Iris and Wally had gone together to their first showing, a curated collection of art focusing on Black American culture through the centuries. The showing tonight is called “The Way,” and is a series of art, canvas paintings and mixed-media prints, that focus on love in all of their forms.
The gallery is in a beautiful space in a reconstructed warehouse. There are a few exposed brick walls, but the place is largely filled with white walls and great lighting, art taking up every corner of the room. There is a large crowd there, when Iris walks through the front door with Barry at her side. Her black pumps have a silver ankle chain and a tall stiletto heel that puts her to his shoulder, and would make it easier to reach out and grab his hand. She doesn’t. Not yet, at least.
They stop first by a bar set up in one corner of the room. It’s a pretty wooden structure manned by two women in black dresses, both of their hair in locs and falling down their backs. The song for which the artist’s collection is named is playing from a speaker, Jill Scott’s sultry, smiling voice making the words jumped out of bed, took a shower, dressed; cleaned up my place; made me some breakfast, toast; two scrambled eggs, grits; grabbed my keys, grabbed my purse; grabbed my jacket, off to work; beaming all the way down third sound like some sort of ode to life and love. Iris insists on paying for their first glass of wine since it is her date, and they bicker good-naturedly about it as they wait for one of the bartenders to pour over full glasses of the chilled white wine.
“I’m paying for the next one,” Barry tells her, and she just shakes her head, mumbling “we’ll see” as she takes the glass from the brown-skinned woman with a smile.
“I’ve been wanting to come here,” Barry says as he presses a hand to her lower back as they move further into the room. It’s packed; the crowd seems like the normal art crowd around Central City, twenty- and thirty-somethings dressed in everything from tulle skirts to ripped jeans and boots to full on suits. The sea of faces run the line in skin color, from darker than chocolate and paler than vanilla and then all of the flavors in between. It’s one of the things she finds fascinating about Central City, an idea that is pushed every time she writes a new story about the power of people coming together, pushing stereotypes, making targeted efforts to understand.
“My brother and I came when it first opened,” she answers. “But I’ve been reading up on this artist and I’m really excited to see her work.”
Barry nods. “Thanks for wanting to share it with me.”
“Art is just another way that people tell stories,” she gives a little shrug. “And Black stories are extremely important to me.”
He gives her that look that he does, that wondering, curious sort of look, as if he’s always trying to understand what lies beyond the surface to what she isn’t actually saying. Maybe that is what he’s doing. Because then he nods again and smiles before pressing a kiss to her temple.
“I hear you,” he says seriously. “And I want to learn about that, to celebrate that.”
And well, okay then.
“What’s the story behind this one, do you think?”
It’s the first time Barry has really engaged with her. He’s been content to follow her from painting to painting, making small comments about how he likes this one or that one, but otherwise just following, watching. They started at one end of the exhibit, where it had been a little crowded and they moved along the lines of the walls, stopping at the ones placed haphazardly in the middle of the room too.
The art has been phenomenal, some platonic or familial, others romantic or erotic. She’s seen some featuring groups of Black women of various shades at a wine night or reading in a library; Black men playing pickup basketball or talking smack at the barbershop. She’s smiled at the ones that remind her of when she and Wally would sit on the couch watching movies or when her dad would try to comb her hair before he decided to just shell out money to get her hair professionally done.
The romantic canvas paintings have been her favorite: the one of a man and a woman dancing, their faces out of the frame, their bodies aligned and in shadows, the viewer understanding that this is not only a dance; another of two women lying in bed, one woman’s dark breasts bared, the other with a sheet covering the curve of her hip, the love evident in their pleased expressions; yet another of two men, standing in an embrace in the light of a window, towels tucked into their waists, the one with waist-length locs tucked into the neck of one with a high fade. It goes like this, with the mixed media prints of individuals celebrating their femininity, their masculinity, their androgyny.
The one Barry asks about is tucked away in the farther end of the exhibit. They’re alone back here for the most part, with people still largely at the front of the gallery, the occasional guest walking through to take a quick look before leaving. The painting is beautiful, another man and woman, in 20s era clothing, a sultry blue dress pushed up high on her thigh and a pair of suspenders falling off of his shoulders. He’s holding a saxophone and a microphone cord is wrapped around her bangled wrist, but there’s no mistaking that they aren’t playing for a crowd at the moment.
“It looks like the 20s era which, outside of the rampant racism, seems like a time I would have actually like to visit as a Black person. The art, the music, the literature. Everything was so, I don’t know, intimate, I think. People weren’t afraid to lay it all out in their art.” She turns to find him watching her, his expression thoughtful and a touch sensuous, like he’s think of laying it out, laying her out right now. She licks her lips, slowly, and continues, “They’re taking a break from making music; or rather, they’re making another kind. It’s why I love music, especially blues and R & B. Music is a story too, heightened senses and heated bodies and it’s feeling.”
On an impulse, she takes his hand and pulls him close, her other hand resting on his shoulders. They’d finished their wine and placed the glasses in one of the discreet bins placed around the gallery a couple of prints ago and they’re empty-handed. He doesn’t fumble the chance to touch her, and so he presses a hand to the small of her back and follows her as she sways, humming the song that’s playing, is it the way you love me, baby? is it the way you love me, baby?, ignoring the obvious implication as they move. She puts her face in to the crook of his neck, inhales the clean scent of him. His sweater is soft and he’s hard against her, humming along too. They shouldn’t be like this, here, but Iris is starting to get caught up in it, their story. It’s hard to hold on to fear, when he’s like this with her. They’re doing nothing but dancing in a crowded art gallery; they’ve done nothing but stare and laugh and fuck. But it’s been more, hasn’t it? A story she’s been writing since the moment he asked her to dance.
“You can feel it, right?” she asks, a little quietly. The sounds around them are stark, the low murmurs of the other guests, the laughs they emit. She can feel his heavy breathing and hers is no lesser, mixing with the tap of her heels on the wood floors, the thick tapping of her heart she wouldn’t be surprised he could actually hear. But they still seem to be in some sort of bubble, one where she can only focus on his humming, a baritone that hints at a nice singing voice, and the feel of him holding her.
“Yes,” he responds, just as quietly, and Iris doesn’t know the question she’s really asking the answer to. Or, maybe she does. Maybe it was written before she understood that it had been for her, and all she’s done ‘til now, and all she’s been ‘til now, has led her here. Maybe all of the stories she has written have prepared her to live in her own, to cling to this feeling, even if society would have her think it’s too soon or too much or far too scary. But she won’t voice it, not for real, not until those vestiges of fear are all gone.
They move, only for moments more, wrapped up in one another, his hand on her waist and hers on his shoulder, until they hear the sound of shoes on the floor and the muffled sound of laughter, pulling them away from each other.
They leave the gallery soon after that, and Iris is starving. She, likely against her better judgment, makes the decision to take Barry to Golden’s. She knows that Linda is tending bar tonight and the food is amazing, and she thinks that maybe it’ll go a little way in mending the bend between her and her friend. She can understand her sentiment; rarely do Iris and Linda keep secrets from each other. Iris knows that it’s been her own shit that’s kept her quiet, the feeling like she’s floating out on a piece of string and it would take only a snap for her to break away. Maybe keeping Barry quiet had been her way of holding on to him for as long as she could before he floated away too.
She parallel parks in an empty spot about a block away from the restaurant. She gives in to the urge to take his hand and they walk up the street. Central City is bustling for a Thursday night, the start of a weekend for many. She hears the music from a band playing from somewhere down the street and sees other couples walking hand in hand, smiling off to their destinations. Golden’s is just as packed when she walks in, but the host notices her immediately.
“Hey Iris,” Kamilla grins, the short perky woman waving as they walk up to the booth. She’s got skin a touch darker than tan and big brown eyes that always seem to be smiling as much as she does.
“Hey Kamilla,” Iris greets. Y’all are packed tonight.”
The other woman nods, her dark hair waving against her shoulders as she looks at the group of people waiting for tables along the side of the wall. “Yeah. I don’t know what’s up but we’ve been slammed since we opened for the dinner hour.”
“How long’s the wait?”
“Well, for you, not long. There are a couple of seats open at the bar or you two can go in the alcove. Xuan and Theo had some friends sitting back there, but they should be finishing up soon. I can put you at the bar until the table’s ready.”
Iris smiles widely. “You’re a saint. Thanks.”
“Anything for you, you know that.”
Kamilla leads them through the throng of people to the bar. Iris’s hand is still clasped in Barry’s and he squeezes once to indicate that he’s following. There are only two seats at the bar available, at the far end, away from where Linda is currently pouring drinks. It’s a long U-shaped bar, about ten seats along the longer side, two of either side of the U. The other bartender is down on their end, a slim woman named Allegra with light-honey colored skin and long dark brown hair. She sees Iris and waves, and then raises an eyebrow at Barry sitting beside her.
“Who’s this?” she asks when she walks over, noticing the way Barry is sitting sideways with his legs open, splayed out so that Iris is surrounded by him.
She and Allegra are not so much friends as they are acquaintances, stopping and chatting whenever Iris comes to hang out.
“This is Barry. Barry, this is Allegra.”
“Oh, so this is Barry.”
The sound of her best friend’s voice in sing-song comes from behind Allegra, thick hair swinging against her neck. She’s got a cryptic expression on her face, as she looks from Barry to Iris back to Barry again, also taking in his posture, their body language explaining what they haven’t said yet.
“He’s cute,” Linda says, winking at Barry, who blushes a little.
“Yes. Barry, this is my best friend Linda; Linda this is Barry.”
Barry gives up an easy smile and puts a hand out for Linda to shake. “It’s good to meet you. Iris has told me a lot.”
“Hmm, I hope more than I’ve heard about you.”
Snickering at her tone, Allegra leaves them to go handle another order.
“Don’t be rude because you’re mad at me.”
“I’m not mad,” Linda grumbles. She turns back to Barry. “But she’s right. I’m sorry for being rude. I really am glad to meet you.”
“This is your parents’ place, right?” he asks, looking around, obviously impressed. “Iris told me about it. I’m excited that she brought me here.”
“I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. You came on a good night. We just started our new menu.” She pulls a plastic-covered menu from below the bar for him to look at. “Kamilla told me she’ll get the table in the alcove ready for you. I’ll whip y’all up something to drink while you wait.”
Linda gives her a pointed look and then she’s gone, cute navy blouse billowing behind her. Iris faces Barry, who’s watching her, one hand on the back of her chair, the other sitting on the sliver of skin from where her skirt has ridden up her thigh.
“You okay?” he asks.
“Yeah? Why wouldn’t I be?”
“That seemed like a lot.” He gestures towards Linda.
Iris sighs heavily. “Yeah. I’m sort of in my head about some stuff and Linda is taking it a little personally that I haven’t told her about it.”
“You mean me?”
“Partly,” she answers truthfully. “I, I didn’t always know how to talk about you. But it’s not just that; I’ve been dealing with some feelings of…listlessness. And I’m just trying to figure it out.”
“Iris, I…” He licks his lips, slowly, and leans in, close enough that she can smell the mint and wine on his breath. “If I’m moving too fast, I get that and I can pull back if you want. But I’m in this, to see where we can go.” His stare is insistent. “And you can tell me, if you want, about whatever else is bothering you. I’m always willing to listen.”
Before she can respond, Linda walks back over with two long-stemmed martini glasses, pale orange liquor filled to the brim.
“Ginger martinis,” Linda announces. “Something I just put on the menu.”
“In addition to being a badass writer, Linda’s a bomb bartender too.”
“Oh, you’re a writer too?” Barry wonders.
Linda smiles at Barry. “Yeah. Mostly fiction, though I dabble in personal essays. Nothing like our girl over here who can take someone else’s thoughts and make them come to life.”
“She is good, isn’t she?” Barry punctuates the question with a hand rub up her thigh. That makes Iris look up, startled, because they’ve never talked about her work before.
“You’ve read my work?”
“Of course,” he says, as if it should be obvious. “I’m working my way through your blog. I have been since you told me about it at the Fall Fest.”
Iris exchanges glances with a satisfied Linda.
“You hear that, Iris? Barry has been reading your blog since you mentioned it weeks ago. It’s almost as if…”
“Alright!” Iris interrupts. “Thanks, Linda. Goodbye.”
Linda laughs, throwing another wink at Barry before she blows a kiss at Iris. “I love you and have fun. Call me later.”
She’s done eating when he throws his napkin on top and slides over to her side of the booth. She blinks at him in confusion, but he just shrugs and says, “I wanted to be next to you.”
She scoots over to let him in, though it’s a tight fit, as she takes a sip from her water glass. They’re waiting on dessert, a decadent ginger créeme brûlée that Xuan created. It’s her favorite thing on the menu.
Iris thinks back on the course of their dinner. It’d been about as perfect as their picnic date, how conversation just seemed to flow. He tells her a bit about working as a forensic scientist and how he likes to use his love of science and problem-solving to help catch the bad guys. That leads into a conversation about her dad, a police captain for CCPD, and Barry is delighted to find out that he actually knows her father, a man he says he can tell wants nothing more than to do the right thing.
Iris talks a little about What a Life You’ve Lived , still a bit surprised that he’s reading through it. He asks deeper questions about a couple of the stories that really caught his attention. He likes that they read like short stories instead of interviews because they make the stories more fascinating. He wants to know how she chooses stories, what’s her writing process, if she does interviews or if they just send in and she cleans it up.
“A little of both,” she answers. “They send the story and then we set up an interview and we go from there. Sometimes they’re in person or on a video call. Some people prefer just emailed conversations because it keeps some of their anonymity.”
They laugh while they eat as they talk more about some of his more interesting cases, her funnier stories. Iris never really orders any food; Linda or her parents usually just tell the chef she’s there and the cooks do their thing, bringing out courses as they see fit. So they up her portions and Barry and Iris eat from the same plates, fighting over some of the items, like the garlic bok choy Iris always falls all over herself for and the shrimp and pork shumai that Barry attempts to eat more of.
Linda brings them another martini and on top of the glass of wine, she’s in a hazy sort of place. She isn’t drunk, but she does feel a little lighter, enchanted by the food and the drink and the company. Golden’s becomes a little more seductive at night, with lowered lighting and soft music, and the smiling, muted conversations that come with a date night. And so even though they eat and they laugh and they play, they do more. They make eyes at each other over the time of their glasses, watch a little too long as the other runs the teeth of a fork across the tongue. They caress one another’s hand when one goes for a bite of food. They tangle their legs, the feel of Barry’s hard, fabric-covered calves on her softer, bare legs far too arousing for how innocuous the movement. It’s teasing and it’s provoking and Iris feels it all down to the core of her.
So when he slides into the seat beside her, she brazenly throws her legs over his thighs under the guise of giving him more room. She’s thankful it’s darker where they are, that’s it’s more hidden where they are. Barry doesn’t miss a beat, placing a hand on her thighs and rubbing lightly. Their dessert arrives shortly thereafter and the waiter takes note of their changed positions with a smirk.
“You’ve got to try this,” Iris says, picking up one of the small spoons to scoop up a bit. “It’ll literally be the best thing you’ve ever put in your mouth.”
“I don’t know,” Barry hums, sliding his hand higher up her thigh under her skirt. His palm is warm and a bit soft, an interesting contrast to the slightly calloused tips of his fingers. “I’ve had you in my mouth.”
He takes a bite like he hadn’t just said that, tongue licking around the spoon. “But it’s a nice second.”
“You’ve gotta stop,” Iris says, staring down at the spoon, momentarily wishing it was her. “You really just gotta stop.”
His answering grin is lopsided. “I don’t really think you want me to. Why else would you put your legs up on me like this?”
She gasps in mock shock. “What are you trying to say, Bear?”
His grin turns dirty. “I want you to say that name a little differently in a minute.”
He moves his hand up, taking the fabric of her skirt with him, tapping at her thighs to part them. She does it easily, dropping one of her feet back to the floor so that she’s spread for him. The skirt is pliant enough that she can spread as wide as she wants and it still covers her.
“Eat the brûlée,” he suggests. “Give your mouth something to do.”
He tips those long fingers up the middle of her thighs, up one side and down the other, up one side and down the other. It’s slow, like he always is, and for someone who’s claimed to enjoy running, he’s always taking his time.
And every time he goes up one side and down the other, he makes his way higher and higher, higher and higher, until his fingers are skimming her panties, lightly tracing the edges of the silk material. She jumps, a little gasp escaping her parted lips.
“Eat,” he orders. It’s crazy, how turned on how she gets because of him. Every time he murmurs some increasingly dirty thing, every time he uses those far too skillful fingers to touch her, she feels herself soaking her panties with no shame. She’s been just on the verge of wet since she picked him up and saw him standing there in all that all black that had made his pale skin and pretty eyes stand out in stark contrast. Now, though, she knows that were she to look, she’d see a darker green right in the middle of the crotch of her panties. It shouldn’t be so easy, not the way they are together, not the way they’ve always been together. It should sometimes be awkward and fumbling and…and...
“Fuck,” the curse startles her out of her own musings when slides his finger under the fabric of her panties.
“I told you to eat, Iris,” Barry reminds her, and she picks up the spoon with no further delay, scooping up a portion of the dessert and putting it in her mouth. At the same time, he slides a gentle finger along her slit. She’s imbued with, with awareness: the sweet taste of sugar on her tongue, the sweet feel of his digit sliding into her; the shock of the lemon-ginger filling her mouth, the shock of him pushing another finger in and to the knuckle. She lets out a silent moan against the spoon, taking his advice and eating so that she doesn’t fall back on the chair with her mouth wide open in ecstasy.
It’s a lesson in restraint, the next several minutes. He massages her as she eats, his fingers sliding in and out of her, in and out her, scissoring, and sliding, and rubbing, and then repeating the process. Her hips start to rock against his hand, undulating as she tries to get closer, as she takes his fingers and clenches around them. Her hand tightens on the spoon she’s using, and it’s a struggle to keep her eyes facing forward and not rolled in the back of her head. Because still with the two fingers fucking into her, he thumbs at her clit, rubbing in slow circles. She wishes that she could look down at them, to see what those long, pale fingers look like disappearing inside of her wet, pink flesh; but she can’t and even still, she can recall the look of it from their time on the couch. It feels like that did, when he was playing in her, but different and maybe better.
Because now he knows a little bit about what gets her off quicker, about the fact that although it’s torture when he’s fucking her at a snail’s pace, she likes the be fingered like that. She likes when he crooks his fingers, just a little, and when it feels like a gentle stroking instead of an all-out assault. She likes when he waits ‘til her clit is hard and peeking from its hood before he touches it, and then keeps at it, rubbing in small, slow circles. And “god, Bear,” does the creme brulee make this something else, make it more rousing, make it sexier, make it sound like go 'head, really get your groove on; cause tonight my man's coming through...i got another, nasty, freaky, just right way in mind; tonight, I'm gonna beat the high score. He slides in and out, he rubs slow circles, she rocks her hips like she would if she could be impaled on him right now.
And he leans closer to her, watching her face as he fingers her, mumbling as he does, “yes, baby, ride my hand, soak my hand, baby,” his voice barely above a whisper. It makes Iris jerk hard against the table. Barry attempts to slow down, but Iris all but gives up the idea of eating and grabs at his wrist. “No, don’t stop, Bear.”
He lets out an easy chuckle, twisting his wrist so that he can push deeper, his palm now rubbing against her clit, his fingers curved in her pussy.
“You’re gonna get us caught,” he whispers into her ear, and Iris whimpers at the dark timbre of his voice washing over her. “Hmm, you seem like you’d like that. Huh, Iris? Does the thought of all these people seeing you bite those sexy lips as you try not to scream get you off? Do you want them to hear how you sound right now? How you’re so wet I can almost hear you over them talking right now?”
“Bear,” she moans and it’s louder than she intends and Barry reaches out to tuck her into his neck. And she can’t answer, doesn’t know if she is getting off on them like this, but she feels her orgasm coming, hard and fast but smooth, gliding through her like it’s the easiest thing her body has ever done.
When she comes around his hand, clamping her thighs around his wrist, she stays tucked in Barry’s neck and bites down, because the creme brulee is all gone, and fuck if this doesn’t feel good. She makes a strangled sound in her throat and hopes that she bites down hard enough to muffle it, even if it marks him. She hears his own low groan, rumbling near silently in his chest, and Iris thinks that makes her come even harder, eyes shut tight as she savors it. She rides it out, clenching and unclenching like a vise over his fingers, and tasting the sweetness of his skin, feeling his hardness under her thigh.
“They’re never gonna let me back in here, Barry,” Iris whispers in a labored breath, after.
“It’s fine,” he says as he pulls his hand out of her. He looks at it for a moment, at her slick glistening on his skin, and then he puts the two middle fingers in his mouth, groaning at the taste of her. Iris thinks she almost comes again.
“They don’t even know what’s going on,” he continues, oblivious to Iris who’s watching him with blown eyes. At least she thinks he’s oblivious until he wipes the rest of her off on a cloth napkin and then shoots her a salacious wink.
She shakes her head, partly in amusement, and she smoothes her hands down her thighs above her skirt. Her one leg is still thrown across him. “How do you even get me to do shit like this? I’m so embarrassed. I was such a good girl before I met you.”
His chuckle is a rumble against her. “You are good, baby. So fucking good.”
She lifts her head, because something about that last part seems like more than just teasing. He curls a hand around the back of her neck, making her hold his gaze.
“You smell good,” he says. “You taste good. But more than that,” he pauses as places a hand on her chest, just above her heart. “You are good.”
“You don’t even…”
“Don’t,” he stops her. “Don’t say I don’t know you. I mean sure, I still haven’t figured out all the things that anger you or what you’re like when you’re stressed. But I’ve watched you talk about your family and I’ve seen the compassion you have for the people you write about and… and when I tell you you’re good, I mean that.”
She tucks herself back into his neck after that, wrapping her arms around him to acknowledge his comment, to try to tell him what she doesn’t know how to say yet. It would make sense that she move away from him, that she set herself back to rights. It would make sense that she step back, to clear the haze he’s got her in, to make sure she’s reading this story correctly. But something else tells her that she might be, that she might even be reading it a tad too slowly, so she stays right where she is, his hand rubbing up and down her back. And she closes her eyes, hoping that the story doesn’t end too soon.
Is it the way you love me, baby?
Is it the way you love me, baby?
Is it the way you love me, baby?
Is it the way you love me, baby?
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Im calling this the faberry files cos I feel like a spy when I'm really just very gay
This is just basically timestamps of every faberry moment I could find as I was rewatching season 1-3. I don't know if anyone wants to see it but I just put it here cos why not. I wasn't really planning on posting it but here we are so it features my gay ass commentary. Anyway there u go.
gay ass looks-
-1x04- so far I’ve seen a gay ass look Quinn gives Rachel at 35:36
-1x05-39:50-not that gay but a little bit, also long
-1x09-43:02 she looks so adoring
-1x10-during endless love
-1x11-9:37 voiceover is mean but just look at those eyes and tell me I’m wrong,34:00 she literally looks so adoringly I can’t
-1x12-10:41 pretends not to see her only to look straight (or not) at her
-1x15-35:02 they’re even talking about love at the time and sitting weirdly close for enemies
-1x20-43:06 I can’t really see where she’s looking under those long ass lashes but I think when Rachel does that little giggle she stares at her while smiling, might just be Faberry goggles tho
-1x22-9:05 I think thats like the cutest smile my little gay heart, 14:23 Quinn is fully checking her out rn like not even subtle they’re on stage
-2x04 16:12, 41:48 at Rachel singing
-2x07-23:19 that could in no way be regarded as a platonic look of enjoying the song, especially since its just started
-2x09- 43:04 part of dog days but its just so cute them holding hands also weird since they are still meant to hate each other lol
-2x10-6:03 this could just be my Faberry goggles but im counting it :D, 31:20 staring at Rachel while she looks sad
-2x11-11:04 could be at puck but she was looking at Rachel before when they were further apart so imma take the w also Diana looks really cute in this bit
-2x16- 4:27 is being kinda mean but also the way she looks at her <3<3<3 :DD also 5:21 if u don’t want to wait through a bit of a scene and the look then is suuuuper gay, 43:17 she looks so proud of her girlfriend :DDDDD
-2x18-52:49 she looks like such a proud girlfriend in this bit
-2x21-1:29 its only a quick look from Quinn tho
-3x06-28:26 Quinn gives Rachel the GAYEST lingering look at the end of the song (unless my eyes deceive me but I don’t think they do cos I’ve checked like 3 times :DDD)
-3x07- 25:00 this is possible the outright gayest look from Quinn ive ever seen, its during one of the songs but I had to put it in
-3x08- 41:10 the look of joy on Quinns face when Rachel touches her shoulder is just pure gay energy
-3x14- 17:27 ‘for the rest of my life’ looks at Quinn, ffs just get married already, 24:07 she literally bites her lip like wth how is this not canon
-3x19- 39:08 kind of but Quinn looks really happy when he says Rachel Berryand its so cute
Scenes together-
-before I had this idea- the “eavesdrop much” talk, and a couple of other things e.g. the ru Paul scene and the sweetie scene.
-1x05-41:59 during somebody to love weird foot tap thing
-1x06- 18:34 gay ass looks as well, 22:58
-1x07-21:45, 28:53 (the you obviously have a lot you need to express scene), 32:07 they just get wierdly closer for no reason
-1x09-26:09 not much but still
-1x13-3:06, 11:01
-1x15-34:18 sitting really close together next to each other when they’re meant to not like each other?
-1x20-5:42 they also sit really close and a bit of gay staring
-2x02 35:40 (on left of stage next to mike) they’re seen really close and talking, 38:55 standing unreasonably close and also in weird positions for a conversation, 31:28 Quinn looks really sad when Rachel sings to Finn (could also be a Fuinn thing tho so idk)
-2x04 28:11
-2x13- 30:51
-2x14-8:19 its shortcut the level of gay panic on Quinns face is enough for its own spot
-2x15-0:03 how closeted is it to be the only two in the celibacy club fighting over a guy that neither of them want or need lmao I just think its really funny
-2x16-9:31 the level of gay panic on racehls face when she says she’s right is just a mood, 22:27 I think this is a scene about miscommunication and Quinn blatantly states that she thinks Rachel is much better than Finn and that she believes in her I have a lot of feelings about this scene but ill leave it at that
-2x18-2:38 not much tho, 10:53 they’re being civil and touchy feely also leads into pretty/unpretty, 21:50 when it pans to Quinn it makes it seem like it would be a Fuinn jealousy scene but she doesn’t look jealous at all just a bit sad i think she possibly is worried about Rachel and while she understands (which is why she’s helping) she wants her to feel beautiful in her own skin sorry if I read a bit too far in lol
-2x20-29:42, 33:12, 35:30 I love how finn last episode said Quinn was so closed off with her feelings and then this scene like maybe she can be herself around Rachel idk
-3x01-10:57 Skank Quinn fully checks Rachel out as she’s leaving in this scene also right after a scene where she said she’s not interested in the boys
-3x05-22:55 talking about finchel tho
-3x08-0:00, 21:54, 37:48
-3x11-14:28,20:00 is also a gay ass look but shes talking to Rachel so I put it here
-3x12-13:09 she only taps Rachel tho
-3x13-15:43 Quinn is acting like the stereotypical ‘gentleman’ and its very Faberry canon esque, to put it the best can
-3x14-34:28 this scene I just can’t the way Quinn lights up when she see her and her voice softens a bit and what she said this is the gayest scene no-one can explain it it a hetero way just ahh
-3x15-10:28 they’re holding hands :DD
-3x22-23:12 those tickets cost so much money I swear they should have been way better friends after high school pft, 40:15 Quinn looks so proud of her girlfriend
Possible scenes, could be just drama-
-1x09-29:27 could be at Rachel
-2x10-12:40 kind of about being sad about Finn but could be jealousy?
-2x16- 34:47 could be about Faberry but is framed as finchel or fuinn
-2x17- 37:28 probably just finchel drama but still Faberry jealousy
-2x18-17:16 they say how they’re ‘fighting about Rachel again’ and Im putting it in idc about finchel :DD
-2x19- 23:19 more about Fuinn like always in this category but Faberry jealousy
-2x22-2:27, 3:29, 8:25 finchel/fuinn/faberry jealousy
Sitting really close when they’re meant to not like each other-
-1x20-19:16 in the scene Quinn kinda checks her out but then they stand really close so I put it here
-2x02 23:24 sits really close to Rachel when she dresses in her Britney Spears costume and in the scene Quinn looks like she’s purposefully trying not to look at her and at 29:20 Quinn chose to sit right behind Rachel again, 39:52 seen sitting right behind her again
-2x10- 35:03 standing really close when it would make a difference if Quinn stood anywhere else (e.g. next to her friends or boyfriend) I just think its weird lol
-2x15- 6:28 (before Quinn starts plotting against Rachel, they’re in celibacy club together but all they do is argue so its still a bit weird)
-3x07- 4:54
I dont know where to put this-
-2x17- 35:10 they kinda just look a bit nervous and small interaction I just wanted to add this because I thought it was cute the way they moved around each other idk
-2x20- 14:46 Rachel knows Quinns eyes so well she knows the flower and colour of the ribbon (also gardenias are for secret love which it would surprise me if Rachel already knew)
-3x04-20:26 Rachel isn’t sitting near her boyfriend or anyone she’s even really friends with its a bit weird that shed be sitting in the corner right next to Quinn away from the other chairs
Songs- Ive probably missed a bunch of these but I tried lmao-
-somebody to love
-ride with me
-no air
-keep holding on
-bust a move
-proud Mary
-crazy in love
-imagine- there is a gay ass look
-you can’t always get what you want
-dont rain on my parade
-my life would suck without you
-gives u hell
-hello goodbye
-like a prayer
-home(kind of)
-give up the funk
-any way you want it
-dont stop delieving
-Empire State of mind
-ice ice baby
-damn it Janet
-time warp
-sweet transvestite
-start me up/living on a prayer
-hot patootie
-forget you
-umbrella/singin in the rain
-I think I wanna marry you
-just the way you are
-ive had the time of my life
-the Dog days are over
-the most wonderful day of the year
-welcome Christmas
-heads will roll/thriller
-fat bottomed girls
-blame it on the alcohol
-tik tok
-do you wanna touch
-afternoon delight
-get it right
-loser like me
-born this way
-pure imagination
-New York New York
-Fix you
-last Friday night
-hit me with your best shot/one way or another
-I cant go for that/ you make my dreams
-I kissed a girl
-feed the world
-summer nights
-we found love
-gotta be starting something
-Im sexy and I know it
-stereo hearts (not technicaly but a lot of Faberry so I’m putting it in)
-fly/I believe I can fly
-heres to us
-its not right but its okay
-its all coming back to me now
-paradise by the dashboard light
-we are the champions
-tongue tied
-you get what you give
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